Thursday, August 17, 2017

Another Lie

AGAIN!!! And again, and again, and again, Trump, 'The Incompetent', our 'President', our 'Commander-In-Chief', shows no compunction to be Truthful about Anything that he conjures up in his "Alternative Facts" mind. Here is just another example of his disconnect with reality, and his propensity to lie, broadcast conspiracy theories, and exaggerate anything that will make himself 'appear' to know something he doesn't, in attempt at making himself seem 'important. He has absolutely no clue about the History of the USA, or of the World as a whole. Clueless! Ignorant of 'facts' except for his "Alternative Facts" which he believes even in the face of contrary evidence. He has reached his level of 'incompetence'! The 'Presidential' learning curve was too much for his altered ego to handle. He was a terrible 'business man', and an even worse 'President'.
it's time for his Republican 'supporters' to wake up and face the 'music', they put their money on a loosing 'horse'. Just how much more of this serial liar can our America absorb before it implodes from the stupidity of it all?

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U.S. General John J. Pershing did not effectively discourage Muslim terrorists in the Philippines by killing them and burying and their bodies along with those of pigs.

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