Tuesday, August 15, 2017

All The Presidents 'Men'

A 'Real' President would never have hired these racist slime balls in the first place. A 'real' President would call a 'Terrorist', a Terrorist. A 'Real' President would FIRE these idiots without a second thought. A 'Real' President would actually 'act' like a real President.
Unfortunately, we do not have the luxury of 'having' a 'Real' President. What we have is a failed 'businessman' who treats America, and the Presidency, as if it were his own personal 'reality' show wh...ere everything is about Him. Trump is incapable of making sound decisions on his own, which makes his choice of 'advisors' an incredible personal indictment on his own decision making abilities. He has simply proven the point. He is merely their hand puppet flapping his lying mouth, and little hands as they direct. It is unlikely that he will cut loose these despicable Alt-Right figures from his cabinet. If he does at all he will simply replace them with carbon copies of themselves. But they should be fired Now, not later. And the last person, but surely without fail, that he should fire, is Himself. He is out of his element, and he has reached his level of his incompetency. He is a slow learner where he has been flung off the 'ride' on the learning curve of politics. A 'Real' President would man-up, and admit that he is incompetent, and step aside. Then we can deal with his 2nd in command 'sent by god himself', the 'everready battery' of the 'Christian' world, Mr. Pence., another incredible incompetent hire in Trumps cabinet.

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Democrats, and some Republican critics of Trump, are demanding he cut ties with Bannon, the former Breitbart News chairman who once described his site as the “platform for the alt-right.”

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