Sunday, August 13, 2017

Another 'Flush' Please!

Ok, I have in the past, and actually, in the present, bashed the living heck out of these obviously ignorant, ill educated (if educated at all) morons who wish nothing more than to drag America back to those good ol' days of yore when 'Americans' actually thought that it was a great idea to live in abject moronism, and when they loved the idea of 'Owning' another human being to be used as a farm implement. "Stop Southern Cultural Genocide", "Secede" from the union. No doubt they already have figured out how they would 'govern' their new country in the unlikely event that they were to be able to "Secede' in the first place. Not! They have no clue. They are simply still ignorant, ill educated, deniers of reality, still living, in their 'minds, in pre 1865, who have no conceptual contact with the world of 2017. Their motto, "The South Shall Rise Again", was coined when they first got sub-standard indoor plumbing where a 'Second Flush' was always required, because indeed as they discovered, the 'South' always popped right back up. They obviously still need a 'plumbing' up-grade.

It's like they didn't learn from the first time.
The League of the South is advocating to secede from the Union again, even after they failed miserably the first time. This is in hopes of triggering another Civil…

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