Wednesday, August 2, 2017

Bye, Bye, Tony

Oh NO!!! Say it ain't so! Such a loss!! Waaaaaa! Kidding, just kidding. Looks like he opened mouth, inserted arse. Shoot, just when I was gonna have my way with him too. Trump The Incompetent has shot another Trump-Pick down in flames. I think he just hires idiots so that he can destroy them hoping that it makes himself look like he is in control...well, of  'something anyhow. Lets see now, who's up for grabs now? Jerry Falwell? Franklin Graham? Chris Christie? Jesus? Is here anyone left that's dumb enough to volunteer to be cannon fodder for 'The Man'? Looks like he's still thinking he's on the set of 'You're Fired' reality show. Oh well, back to the 'drawing board'. Trump will be busy tweeting tonight. Stay tuned. "You ain't seen nothing yet".

Scaramucci was removed at the request of the new chief of staff, John F. Kelly.|By Abby D Phillip

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