Sunday, August 13, 2017

By The Power Invested In Me...

  'Dear Donnie, this is God, well, I see that the morbidly obese doughboy of North Korea is causing jittery nerves once again with his nuclear bluster. I have warned him to lay off the sweets, but no, he won't listen. Look, I realize that it was I who invented this little twerp, and I have tried to reel his chubby butt in, but he's not paying any attention to me, and it looks like his brain is turning to mush. You, and he have So much in common there. It's outta my hands now, I've done all I can do, and I can do no more. Hey, I don't 'really' do miracles you know, I leave that up to the Pope. Somethings gotta be done about this mistake that I can't fix. So, by the power invested in me by mystical beings from outter space, I hereby grant to you Mr.Trump, 'The Incompetent', authority to do whatever you need to do in order "to take out" little "Kim", and I don't mean take him out to lunch either. What a pain in my butt he has become! Don't be too nice with him, knock him around if you have to, punch him where it hurts. Cut off his supply of donuts and soda pops. Nuke him if you must. No matter what happens the survivors will 'thank God' that there were 'survivors'. See how it works? I get praised no matter what, just like 'you'. So get out there and kick his wormy butt Donnieboy. I've got your back. Remember, I've given you "authority", you're the 'man' now. Go, go on. Do it. Push the 'button'. Now. Opps, gotta run, a train's gettin' ready to crash, gotta 'save' two or three 'miracles'. My 'work' is never done.'

Trump advisor and Texas megachurch pastor Robert Jeffress reports "God has given Trump authority to take out Kim Jon-Un."

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