Sunday, August 6, 2017

'Mexico, You're Making Me Look Bad'

'Look 'amiego', ya gotta stop yakking about my 'wall', sayin' that your not gonna pay for it! What's with that!? You talk too much, you worry me to death! You just gotta stop it already! You talk about people you don't even know. Stop talking to the press about this. You're just gonna make yourself look silly later on when you finally do pay for it. You can't trust the "Fake News" media my little Mexican friend. They lie all the time, and they'll lie about you if you keep tal...king to them about my wall. Just stop it! The only person you can 'trust' is me. I'm it! I'm the man! Talk to me, I won't tell a soul about what you tell me. Really. I can keep a secret with the best of'em. Ask anybody. Why do you let your people make drugs and then send all of it to America? I thought you liked me. How could you not? I'm a nice guy. Did I tell you about Washington DC, the drug den of America? What a "sewer" that place is. Almost as bad a New Hampshire, now There is a 'real' drug den! And how about that stinking White House, what a "disgusting" place that is. It must be hundreds of years old! Terrible! I miss my mansions! I think I'm gonna dig a big hole and shove it right off into it, and build a nice hotel and a great course there. Wonderful! Did I tell you that I'm gonna take a 17 days golf vacation? I deserve it. I've been so busy making "America great again" is a lot of work. I need a break today, actually for about 17 wonderfully spoiled days away from that dump of a White House! Horrible! At my own golf course, of course. I've been working really hard making America 'great' again. It's a lot of work because America is such a broken place. It's a good thing Jesus picked me to fix it. Hey, you want me to fix Mexico for you? Nothing to it. Gotta get a handle on this disgusting "Fake News" media though. They are my enemies. They hate me like crazy because I always tell the 'truth', and they always tell lies. Did you see that fabulous turn-out at that stupid Scout Club event? They don't even have guns! What's with that? Why don't we have enough guns for our military guys? Gotta look into that one, and make sure they get the guns they need to defend America from your disgusting Mexican drug dealers. Millions of those Scouts came to honor me. They were so 'happy', so 'pleased' to be in my honorable presence. Much like how you, yourself, feel right now my little 'jumping bean' frind as you groval before me.
Ok, I'm bored with you my tiny little brown friend. Word to the wise, no more 'wall' talk from you or I'll send a great big tweet to my millions of tunnel visioned fans to stop eating Tacos. Now run along before I pull your green card. Kellyann! Wipe my sweaty brow! Stevie, where's my puppet master!? Stevie come here...please..with Presidential sugar on it please.'

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President Trump during his first call as commander-in-chief with Mexican president Enrique Peña Nieto asked Nieto to stop openly saying Mexico would not pay for the…

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