Friday, August 11, 2017

Dear Vlad, Thanks, Thanks A Lot!

'Dear Vlad, my almost 'lover', through the good times and bad we both have always 'admired' one another, me more you I suppose, and no matter what anyone says about you, you are still number one in my book of numbers. Oh, while on the subject of 'numbers' did I ever tell you about my huge 'numbers' that I won the Presidency with? Incredible numbers! Unbelievable! On another subject of 'numbers', how about those 750 American embassy employees that you sent packing the other day. Wow! Big numbers! Bigly even! Imagine, all those Americans now out of work. Looking for jobs in the private sector now. Who would have thought!? Certainly not Them! Actually, it's really no big deal Vlad. You actually did me a great big favor by kicking them out of Rushka. "And as far as I'm concerned, I'm very thankful that he let go of a large number of people because now we have a smaller payroll. There's no real reason for them to go back." “So I greatly appreciate the fact that they've been able to cut our payroll for the United States. We'll save a lot of money.”
You see, one of my zillions of campaign promises to my clueless, lemming like voters was to shrink the number of federal employees by thousands, and thousands of useless, redundant workers. I was just about ready to fire all those useless folks anyway. A bunch of money sucking government leeches! You see, my 'job' as the new 'owner' of America, is to make lots of jobs for Americans, and in order to do that I must first Fire lots of Americans, mostly government employees of course. Now, those folks that you kicked out are out of a job, their families will be suffering, and so they will be looking for a job elsewhere. They'll be flipping burgers soon instead of bleeding the federal budget dry with their useless presence in Rushka spying on you. My mindless voters will see that I have saved lots of money by shrinking the federal payroll, and they'll continue to bow before my golden image thanking me for saving their money, money which will now be spent refurbishing my 'palace', the White House, to suit my standards of opulent living. That place is Such a "dump"! And of course how could it not be, situated as it is right in the middle of "sewer-swamp", Washington,DC. Which by the way, I have been quite busy "draining", getting rid of those disgusting Obama "swamp" critters, and replacing them with my very own handpicked "Swamp" monsters.
So again my 'friend', my almost BFF-FWB, my almost bunkbuddy, let me thank you from the bottom of my bloodless heart for doing me the greatest of favors. Hugely. Really big. I know I can always count on you to do the right thing by me. And don't you worry for one second about all the nasty things these DEMONcrats say about you. We both 'know' none of it is 'true'. I know you have always had the best interest of America in your thoughts, just as I, its new 'Ruler', 'do'.
Well, must close for now, got a little tiff going on with that little doughboy in North Korea, or whatEver that place is called. I guess I'm gonna have to look it up on a map or something. Hmmm..someplace in South America? Whatever! I'm gonna go over there and personally kick his puffy butt! Unless you'd like to do that for me. let me know. Call me on our 'special' phone.
Always thinking of you, your 'special' American 'friend', DonnieboyT, XOXOXO.'

Donald Trump has thanked Vladimir Putin, the Russian leader, for ordering the expulsion of hundreds of staff out of America’s embassy, in his first…

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