Thursday, August 17, 2017

OMG! They Have A "Map"!

OMG! OMG! How could we be so near sighted as to do something as stupid as this!? Were we blinded by the 'light of that silvery mOOn'? What fOOls we mere earthlings have become. A "map" of all things! A map! Shoot, we might as well have included our phone numbers, and addresses, and date of birth along with our 'secret' SS numbers. It's not like we don't have enough things to worry about down here, and now This! Well, they're not gonna get Me! I'm not answering the phone anymore, and if they come a knockin' at my door they'd better pack a lunch because they'll have a long day of it. I've instructed my Border Collie to eat anything out there that he doesn't recognize. Actually, he does that already, but Now he's on double alert duty. A map! Really?? If they were dumb enough to do something so stupid, how'd they manage to build a rocket that could even get off the ground in the first place? "NASA", 'NoAbility(to)SeeAhead'.
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Back in the optimistic early days of space exploration, everyone thought it was a great idea to offer aliens a chart telling them how to find Planet Earth.

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