Monday, August 14, 2017

A 'Terrorist' by Any Other Name, Is Still A Terrorist

This, is the Terrorist scum that 'breeds' right under our noses when America allows Armed Anti-Government, Terrorist, Militias to form and exist in our country. Only in America is this able to happen. Even in Virginia they showed up Armed with assault rifles and body armor, some were actually dressed in uniforms that passed as Law Enforcement gear to the point that they were falsely identified as Law Enforcement officers by attendees. By allowing this state of affairs to co...ntinue, we are subtly condoning their existence which simply emboldens them to grow stronger, and bolder in their terrorist actions, which they certainly now exhibit.
If this continues, they will reach the point where they will out-gun our Law Enforcement entities, which may necessitate intervention by our states National Guard units. I am not saying here that the 'sky is falling', or that this is some sort of 'doomsday' scenario, only that the dark 'clouds' are forming, and the 'drizzle' you see Now, will turn into a soaking 'rain' unless they are stopped now by laws that ban, and prohibit them from existing.
And yes, I am familiar with our Constitution, and what is allowed under that document, and that these fascist, racist, anti-government fools are sadly allowed to exist. However, their 'right to exist' ceases when they tread upon the 'rights' of law abiding citizens, and foment, by acts, words of threat, and means to carry out that threat, the overthrow of our Constitutionally elected Government. Our Founding fathers had no idea that these sort of hate groups would ever form and incite the overthrow of our very government, and the subjugation of our very selves. There should be no safe place in America for these Nazis to claim as their haven. The time to act against the existence of these domestic Terrorists is now, not after they become so strong that it will take an 'army' to defeat them. We cannot allow Nazis 'history' to repeat itself, especially here in our America.

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Jerry Drake Varnell tried to detonate what he thought was a 1,000-pound bomb, according to the FBI.

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