Saturday, August 12, 2017

Only In America

'This' is the scum that crawled out of Trumps 'Pandora's Box' when he was 'courting' these despicable 'terrorists' during his campaign for the Presidency. He refused to condemn then 'then', and Now his feeble 'protestations' are too little, too late.
Only in America do we allow these criminal thugs to form ARMED, Anti-Government, Neo Nazis, Racist, White Nationalist Militias that foment the overthrow of our very government, and the destruction of people of color.
This is ab...solutely insane that here in the year 2017 after so much work to scrub these racist trolls from our society, they are able to emerge from their 'bug-out' caves like zombies from hell, and cause this sort of mayhem in America! This is a sad indictment of 'America, land of the free'! This will only become worse as time goes on. America has been 'asleep at the wheel' while these roaches plied their craft in the dark, and now we must pay the piper.
It is not ISIS that we should be wary of, it is these 'internal' American bred terrorists that seek to destroy our way of life that we should be concerned about. As long as we allow them to exist they will only become stronger, and bolder, and eventually they will become akin to the militias of the South American countries that actively fight from 'underground' to destroy their own governments. You may think I exaggerate, but not so. There's more to come. And until laws are passed that will ban these 'Home grown' terrorists from existing in America, the situation will only become worse.

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Protests of a plan to remove a statue of a Confederate general led to clashes that left several injured.

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