Thursday, August 24, 2017

Big 'Brave' Crybaby Nazi

This is a prime example, and Poster Boy, of America's home grown, White Nationalist, Racist, Bigoted, Nazi, Anti-Government, brain damaged, ignorant, Crybaby WaaaWaaaaWaa militia's that want to take over Our America. But it ain't gonna happen!


Howard Zinn

On this date in 1922, historian, author, playwright and peace activist Howard Zinn was born in New York City to Jewish immigrants. As a 17-year-old, Zinn attended a political rally in Times Square at the urging of neighborhood Communists and was knocked unconscious by police battering and beating the crowd. He joined the Army Air Corps in 1943, received an Air Medal, and, upon returning home, placed his medal and military papers in a folder on which he wrote, "Never again." Z...inn attended New York University and received a doctorate in history from Columbia University. He became chair of the history and social sciences department of Spelman College, the historically black college for women in segregated Atlanta, in 1956. He actively participated in the civil rights movement, served on the executive committee for SNCC (the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee), and inspired many of his students, including Alice Walker. Fired for "insubordination" from Spelman in 1963 (namely for his criticism of the school's failure to participate in the civil rights movement), Zinn took a position teaching history at Boston University, which he held until his retirement in 1988.
An aggressive and early opponent of the Vietnam War (and war in general) and champion of leftist causes, Zinn's 1967 Vietnam: The Logic of Withdrawal, was the first book calling for immediate withdrawal from the war with no exceptions. His A People's History of the United States, published in 1980 with a small printing and little promotion, became essential reading in classrooms across the country and a bestseller, hitting 1 million sales by 2003. In his 1994 autobiography You Can't Be Neutral on a Moving Train, Zinn wrote: "I wanted students to leave my classes not just better informed, but more prepared to relinquish the safety of silence, more prepared to speak up, to act against injustice wherever they saw it." While his publications were numerous, some of the highlights included the plays "Emma" (1976), about radical anarchist/feminist/atheist Emma Goldman, "Daughter of Venus" (1985), and "Marx in Soho: A Play on History" (1999), and books such as Artists in Times of War (2003), History Matters: Conversations on History and Politics (2006), and Failure to Quit: Reflections of an Optimistic Historian (1993). Zinn received the 1958 Albert J. Beveridge Prize from the American Historical Association for his book, LaGuardia in Congress; the 1998 Eugene V. Debs Award from the Debs Foundation; the Upton Sinclair Award in 1999; and the 1998 Lannan Literary Award. Zinn's wife and lifetime collaborator, Roslyn, died in 2008. Zinn died of a heart attack while swimming at the age of 87. D. 2010.
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'Hey, I'm not a 'racyist'! (Re-Post)

'Hey, I'm not a 'racyist'! Look, I can't even Spell that word! So, I ask you confidentially, how can I be something that I can't even Spell? That's crazy! Crazy! That's just Not me! Not! Me! I like EVERYONE! Red, yellow, black n white, they are precious in my sight, Trump loves the little children of the world. I bet'cha didn't know I was a 'song' writer! I have one for every occasion folks. I have a lot of 'Black' friends...yeah, I Know, I know, why don't you ever see me in a photo with them, you know like at lunch, at home sitting around the teli, playing golf, swimming in my gigantic pool, riding in one of my huge, fabulous jet planes, stuff like That. Look, That's not important. The important thing is that I 'Said' that I have lots of those people as my friends. Lots of'em. And I have some Brown people that are my friends too. Same 'story'. Hard workers! And how about those little Mexican's? Don't ask for much, And they don't ask a lot of stupid questions like white people do. Can't get white people to work for as little wages as They will. And you know what? I have a lot of Red people as friends too. I just love Indians! Can't understand a Thing they say, but boy do I ever love'em. Great people! They make some real pretty pottery and teepees and stuff like that. And I'm pretty sure they can Vote. I think I even have some of those Yellow folks as friends. They are great cooks and manicurists. Love'em! Wonderful folks! Just look at my nails! What'd I tell ya! Love'em! White people are my most favorite kind of 'friends' though. Of course I don't hire many of them at my mansions, and golf courses. Can't afford them! Greedy! I have a lot of Women friends! Tons of'em! Lots and lots! Women love to love me, and you know what? They're all gonna come out and vote for me. They can't help themselves! Can't do it! I love women who can't think for themselves! Weak women are like little puppies. Love'em! Cute! As long as they're not a Reporter! Vulgar reporters! So Anyway, I hope I've cleared up any 'misunderstandings' that anyone may have had about whether I'm one of those haters of colored sorts of people. I see people as a 'rainbow', well, not That kind of 'rainbow', you know, those 'homo rainbow' people. So, just for the 'record', I love Everyone, especially everyone that will vote for me. And you have my 'word' on That one folks, I'm not a 'flipflop' kinda wannabe politician. When I Say something, you can take it to the bank! So, all you people of different colors, get off your lazy duffs, find a ride to the polls, and vote for me as your next Presidente', and chip in to help me build that big ol' wall!'

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With new tone on race and urban visits, Trump hopes for inroads with both minority and white voters.|By Jenna Johnson

Wednesday, August 23, 2017

'Woe Is me', a poem by BuddyBlack

'Woe Is Me'
a poem by BuddyBlack
My ears
Are full of tears
From laying
On my back
From crying over you.
I'm sad,
I'm hurt'
So lonely' And blue,
Ever since you said
That we are through.
My stomach
Is so empty,
My legs
Will not walk,
And I'm really quite surprised
That my mouth
Will let me talk.
My plants
Are so lonely
They will not grow,
And I threw away
My needles
'Cause they would not
My fridge is hot,
And my lights
Went out,
And all I do
Is moan and pout,
About where have you
And when will
You return,
'Cause you being gone
Is making
Heart Burn. 

Looook Into My Eyes...

'Look deeeeep into my holier than thou 'Trump Spiritual Adviser' eyes, deeper, deeper, deep into my Jesus laden soul, think of nothing else but my droning voice, deeper yet..., your mind is now controlled by invisible 'Trum-Pet' evangelical spirits, you will do as I command, just as I do at His own command. Thou shalt not take thy Presidents, the current one, but quite alright to slam the 'last' one, name in vain, nor shall thee cast libelous, slanderous, or blasphemous 'stones' at his sacred 'golden' image, nor shall thee be in his presence without taking a proper 'knee', nor shall thee while in his most eminent godly presence fail to clap, until they bleed, thy underserving hands at his every uttered holy word, for his word is the very word of our god who sent him here to save this ungodly America, and the rest of the world if he has time left over. You will, each and every one of you, run right down to your local Trump designated church where you will be righteously converted to America's new 'religion', "Republicanism', after which you will go forth with wild abandon all across this heathen land, laying holy hands on the un-believers, the "Fake news" reporters, the liars, the Atheists, the, well, you get the idea here, just get out there and save their sorry souls, and make little 'Trum-Pets' out of'em. I will now count to..ah, lets say 'three', and I will release your from my stick-tight grip. You will remember nothing, and as a true follower of 'Republicanism' your brain will be void of all logical thoughts, you will be unable to make sound decisions on your own and only at the direction of your golden idol, no longer will you care about the welfare of the un-believers, you will care nothing about the Earths Environment, you will be a human lemming un-afraid of 'cliffs' no matter where your golden idol leads you. One..two...three! Go now, there's damage to be done. Good luck, and 'gods speed', however 'fast' that is.'

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Liberal Mountain
7 hrs
Made us laugh. Might make you cry.
She praised Trump for not sounding or acting presidential.

Monday, August 21, 2017

Liberalism v Conservatism

Just a little definition, and reminder to our friends in the 'Conservative Republican' camp as to Liberalism v Conservatism. I would suggest that the 'Conservatives' who are following Trump, and his puppeteer Bannon, as they strive to deconstruct America, and to destroy some of the Federal agencies that up to now have Protected America's fragile Environment, and by the way that includes the Air that we breath, Water that we drink, and the Land upon which we reside, re-check your 'guidebooks' on what 'Conservativism' actually 'is'. By destroying the 'EPA', the 'Clean Water Act', the 'Clean Air' act and protection and preservation of Public lands, goes against everything that a 'Conservative' should really be standing for. Instead of 'Protecting', you are paving the path to Destruction of the very things that ALL Americans need in order to live in a healthy environment in our Nation. Republicans are in denial that Trump couldn't give a rats butt about America. He is simply carrying out a scorched earth policy to destroy anything that is even remotely associated with his 'imagined' archenemy President Obama, and it matters little to him how he does it, who gets hurt, or the detrimental effects it will have on our America.

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(2009). To Provide or Protect: Motivational Bases of Political Liberalism and Conservatism. Psychological Inquiry: Vol. 20, The Psychology of Political Orientation, pp. 120-128. doi: 10.1080/10478400903028581

Thursday, August 17, 2017

'Luna' (repost)

Hey!, I Know her!! Her name is Luna. She lives over near the Asteroid Beltway! We were supposed to have lunch yesterday, and she called and said, "Meet me at the 'Mars bar' at high noon". Geez!!!, I looked Everywhere for that restaurant! I think she took a wrong turn Somewhere, probably at that darn confusing intersection of Milky way and Light Year Blvd., and Now look! She always was such a Space Cadet at heart, and she will always be the Moonbeam in my eye.

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Life on Mars?Probably not, but a photo that NASA recently published sparked the imagination of many.The image that came out a few weeks ago, started b...

OMG! They Have A "Map"!

OMG! OMG! How could we be so near sighted as to do something as stupid as this!? Were we blinded by the 'light of that silvery mOOn'? What fOOls we mere earthlings have become. A "map" of all things! A map! Shoot, we might as well have included our phone numbers, and addresses, and date of birth along with our 'secret' SS numbers. It's not like we don't have enough things to worry about down here, and now This! Well, they're not gonna get Me! I'm not answering the phone anymore, and if they come a knockin' at my door they'd better pack a lunch because they'll have a long day of it. I've instructed my Border Collie to eat anything out there that he doesn't recognize. Actually, he does that already, but Now he's on double alert duty. A map! Really?? If they were dumb enough to do something so stupid, how'd they manage to build a rocket that could even get off the ground in the first place? "NASA", 'NoAbility(to)SeeAhead'.
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Back in the optimistic early days of space exploration, everyone thought it was a great idea to offer aliens a chart telling them how to find Planet Earth.

Stop The North Carolina Bill

I just signed this petition calling on legislators in North Carolina to block legislation that would protect people who hit protesters with cars. The NC House passed this bill in April but we can still stop it. After what happened in Charlottesville, we can't give white supremacists any cover for violence against protesters on our side.

Please sign:…/nc-no-protections-for-dri…/…
Six states introduced laws that would protect drivers who hit protesters with their cars. After Charlottesville we can't offer any cover to those who use violence against…

Another Lie

AGAIN!!! And again, and again, and again, Trump, 'The Incompetent', our 'President', our 'Commander-In-Chief', shows no compunction to be Truthful about Anything that he conjures up in his "Alternative Facts" mind. Here is just another example of his disconnect with reality, and his propensity to lie, broadcast conspiracy theories, and exaggerate anything that will make himself 'appear' to know something he doesn't, in attempt at making himself seem 'important. He has absolutely no clue about the History of the USA, or of the World as a whole. Clueless! Ignorant of 'facts' except for his "Alternative Facts" which he believes even in the face of contrary evidence. He has reached his level of 'incompetence'! The 'Presidential' learning curve was too much for his altered ego to handle. He was a terrible 'business man', and an even worse 'President'.
it's time for his Republican 'supporters' to wake up and face the 'music', they put their money on a loosing 'horse'. Just how much more of this serial liar can our America absorb before it implodes from the stupidity of it all?

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U.S. General John J. Pershing did not effectively discourage Muslim terrorists in the Philippines by killing them and burying and their bodies along with those of pigs.


This is what foreign TERRORISTS do. This is what Home Grown American TERRORISTS do.
The former is actually Classified, and 'called' a TERRORIST, and treated as such. The latter is still called an angry White Man who belongs to a Racist 'Club', and our Government doesn't know 'how' to treat them.

The attack took place in the heart of Barcelona.

Our President is "So Sad"

'Oh, this is such a 'sad' time in my life! Sad, so sad. Look what the DEMONcrats are doing to our glorious history, our 'untainted' culture, our wonderful Southern 'heritage'! Our 'hero's' are being diss'ed, maligned, bad mouthed! Their bronzed statutes are being removed from our courthouses, our parks, our highways, and byways, and being abused by those who no longer wish to be intimidated by such icons. Of course, as we all 'know', these 'hero's were on the loosing side of... a war started by those traitorous SLAVE holding states that tried to secede from the Union so that they could continue to OWN other Human Beings like so much cattle. But hey, so what! A lot of ignorant southern folks still love those guys! Adore them! Revere them. So, maybe they just love losers, I don't know. No clue. I'm ignorant of American history, so don't ask me. No clue. It's just “foolish” to remove statues of Robert E. Lee and Stonewall Jackson...monuments to George Washington and Thomas Jefferson would be next". “Sad to see the history and culture of our great country being ripped apart with the removal of our beautiful statues of 'Southern Pride', and monuments,” sad, so sad. These icons mean so much to a 'certain' segment of southern American society. If we take these beautiful and moving tributes to Traitors down where will the 'living in the past' southerners then be able to rally round with their Sheet 'dresses', and white pointy hats, Tiki torch in hand, and shouting words of secession, and southern pride stuff to one another? Disgusting. Sad. Huge. Dear, dear me, sadist day of my whole entire life...nearly..almost.'

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President Trump returned to nativist themes, lamenting an assault on “culture,” reviving a bogus story about General John J. Pershing and attacking Republicans.

Tuesday, August 15, 2017

Look Mom, I'm A Terrorist

Little scumbag, card carrying, White Nationalist Terrorist caught on camera, shamed worldwide, now 'says' that he does not condone "violence". Really? Man Up you wimpy scum boy. Now the whole world knows what you are about. You are what you identify with. Nazis, White Nationalist, Anti-Government, Racist, Homophobic low life. Your parents, and your mentor Trump, 'The Incompetent', must be so very proud of you as you thump your man-boy chest while shouting 'White Power.' Now crawl back in to your slimy little bug-out cave, and hide yourself from public sight forever.

The University of Nevada, Reno, student identified as a marcher in Saturday’s white nationalist rally in Charlottesville, Virginia, on Sunday denounced the violence that…

Sad Little Boy

The racist heads are starting to 'roll'. This is Pete, without adult supervision. What a sad little guy. BooHoo.

“We do not know specifically where he learned these beliefs," Pete Tefft's father wrote in an open letter. "He did not learn them at home.”|By David Moye

Too Little, Too Late

Yeah, 'now' Trump, 'The Incompetent', the 'man-boy', 'condemns' them as "evil". But only after being 'forced' to do so by his adult handlers, without whom he would never have spoken Any condemning words. He is not sincere about this, it is just a political correctness issue on his part, a way of appeasing his critics, and in hopes of keeping his voters tagging along in his destructive wake. If he were actually 'serious' about this, he would have said this when he had the firs...t chance, not after his feet were put to the 'fire'. This is what the bought and paid for, Electoral College got us. We are all to blame for his 'Presidential' existence, and as long as that antiquated 'voting' system exists, travesties like Trump will continue to flourish. And he Still refuses to condemn these criminals for what they really are; Domestic Terrorists!

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Several advisers pressed Mr. Trump to issue a more forceful rebuke after his comment on Saturday that the violence in Charlottesville was initiated by “many sides.”

Take A Hike, Boys

And even More silly heads are 'rolling'. Does anyone recognize any of these proud racists in this photo? Surely there's some parents somewhere that would be just as proud of their racist little boy as he is of himself.
And Now, Trump, 'The Incompetent' should boot the 'White Nationalists' from his cabinet to show that he is really serious about 'condemning these racists.

Trying to explain what takes someone to breach terms of service can get tricky.