Thursday, December 31, 2015


HappyNewYearWorld :):)
Perhaps This year we could find a way that we might Kill a little Less of one another?  Try Harder, life is already way too short.
Peace ;)

Rinnng,Rinnng..Anyone Home?

Good Lord Almighty! Say it ain't So! But there it Is, proof in the pudding! I wouldn't have believed it if I hadn't seen it with my own two eyes! For more years than I can count on all my fingers and toes I've secretly believed that folks who lived 800 years ago just Had to be able to 'communicate' with one another with More than just simple Grunts. I mean, Come On already, if you live Miles away from someone, and you wanted to Grunt with them like Right Now, how else are you gonna do it but with a good ol' Clay 'cellphone'? No, really! I'm not trying to be Funny here folks! This is serious stuff, and not a little ground breaking to boot. I mean, just Look at that thing! They were waaaay ahead of their 'time' with this baby. Now, I'm no certified 'cellphone' expert, but I Do have one, and have figured out at least three features of it that I'm just about able to use so I guess that makes me as knowlegable as anyone else. But just by Looking at This one here I can plainly see that it has 'keys' of some sort, and where there should be a 'screen'...well..I'm not too sure but it's probably a Screen after all, and looks like a message of sorts. I just happen to be able to read 'cuneiform' and will translate the message later for my readers. Folks, This is the Real Deal here! Make no mistake about it! Here's how this high tech baby works. First, of course, you have to know someone, somewhere, that you want to 'communicate' with at distance, other wise you'd just trapes next door and say 'Hi Neighbor!' So First you'd just go down to your local 'Clay' cellphone cave and pick up a Blank phone. You pick the lingo you want to use, hopefully one that the person that recieves your message can read. Then you go back to your own cave, set the phone up to link it with the handy dandy Stylus that came with it. Then you get busy scribing your message onto the 'Screen', in This case they used the international 'Cuneiform' style. Heck, we All learned that one in School! After completing your message you would have to exit your cave as there would be absolutly No 'reception' in There. Then align yourself in the direction of your intended 'reciever'. Hold the 'phone' high overhead, and with the mightiest of slings toss it as Far as you can. Then run to where it landed, and toss it again, then run to where it landed, and toss it again, and so on, and on, and on untill it reaches the cave of the intended reviever where you would simply pick it up, yell RinnngRinnngRinnnnng, and hand it to your friend who would simply say 'well hello, if I'd known you were gonna 'call' I'd a cooked a Mammoth!' Oh, and the 'translation' of the 'message' on the 'screen'? It clearly says, and I'm surprised that Anyone would read it any differently is thus; 'To Any and All who reads this bogus '800 year old cellphone' article posted by Huffington Post, and actually Believes it's True, I have some slightly used submarine Screen Doors for sale, and they could be Yours, cash money! ;);)


Conspiracy Theorists Say 800-Year-Old Phone Is Proof Of Alien Presence On Earth

800-year-old phone
Claims that archeologists have uncovered what appears to be an 800-year-old mobile phone have driven conspiracy theorists to new heights.
Archeologists discovered the object in Austria, and it’s believed to be a clay model of a cell phone, Express reports. The keys of the model have cuneiform symbols carved into them.
The lack of information surrounding the strange object has led many people to call the phone-like discovery a hoax.
Despite such claims, some UFO hunters have suggested the object is evidence that aliens were once on Earth. Others have suggested the phone-like device proves time travel exists.
According to YouTube channel Paranormal Crucible, the object has a Sumerian-type writing style, which has been observed in various artifacts dating back to around 3,500BC.
“This type of writing is typically found in modern-day Iran or Iraq,” conspiracy website reported, according to Express
“It is evident from this cell phone like device that someone with advanced knowledge of the future created it,” Scott Waring, editor of UFO Sightings Daily, stated.
Sources: The Huffington Post, Express / Photo credit: The Huffington Post

Wednesday, December 30, 2015

Putin's World Through Rose Coloured Glasses

The World According to Russia

A documentary on state television gives a glimpse of Vladimir Putin’s philosophy.

Vladimir Putin at his end-of-the-year news conference in MoscowMaxim Smeyev / Reuters


  • Jeffrey Tayler

  • “Do you realize what you have done?” Vladimir Putin demanded at the United Nations in September. The question was a rebuke to the American-led bloc of countries that initially viewed with optimism the Arab Spring, which began five years ago this month, but has since given way to chaos and Islamist violence across once-stable parts of the Middle East and North Africa. Those events, and much else, look different when viewed from Russia than they do from the United States, and a documentary that aired recently on Russian state television helps explain the worldview behind Putin’s question.
    The two-hour-plus film, Miroporyadok (World Order), explores, in the words of its narrator Vladimir Solovyov, “what is happening with us [Russians], what sort of world we have inherited from our parents, and what sort of world we will leave to our children.” Partly through interviews with the Russian president himself, it also offers a window on Putin’s own realpolitik perspective, one that I’ve found to be widely shared throughout Russia over many years of living in the country—a worldview according to which international relations consist of competing blocs of nations pursuing their interests, and the violation of sovereignty is a recipe for instability. This stands in contrast to Obama’s own position, which he stated at the UN two years ago, that “sovereignty cannot be a shield for tyrants to commit wanton murder, or an excuse for the international community to turn a blind eye to slaughter.”
    “I believe,” Putin tells Solovyov, “that no one should ever impose any sort of values he considers correct on anyone. We have our own values, our own conceptions of justice.” Putin doesn’t name names here, but the implication is clear throughout: World Order endeavors to incriminate American foreign policy and place the blame for the current chaos in the Middle East on the United States. The film’s anti-Americanism is subtle but relentless, and the spin comes mostly from omission of relevant facts. And though it originated within the Russian state propaganda machine, some of its criticisms of wrongheaded U.S. policies and blundering interventions in the Middle East since September 11, 2001, would give American liberals, centrists, and even a few conservatives little cause for dispute. Yet the documentary goes further, leaving the strong impression that greedy, bungling, incorrigibly myopic conspirators “from across the ocean” (a phrase Putin uses repeatedly in the film to describe the U.S. leadership) bent on world domination are to blame; Russia comes off as unjustly demonized and Russians themselves forced to suffer economically as a result.
    The last point is not stated, but is implied, and gives another clue about how the world looks from Russia. For Russians, to a degree unthinkable in the United States, foreign policy is also domestic policy, not least because their Near Abroad includes Ukraine, with which their ties of blood, history, and culture remain intimate. And thanks to multiple invasions of Russia during the 19th and 20th centuries, a preoccupation with national security and national pride figure strongly in Russian politics, with the possibility of war not at all remote. A philosophy of realpolitik—and not, say, values promotion—would come naturally under the circumstances.
    Indeed, as the film tells it, the root of all international evils is the American penchant for democracy-spreading, both subtle (via U.S. support for “color revolutions” in the post-Soviet sphere) and overt (as in overthrowing Saddam Hussein). Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov declares that the Arab Spring was fomented from abroad, disregarding the Middle Eastern region’s widespread popular discontent with official corruption, political stasis, and lack of job opportunities. The United States intervenes despite bitter experience within living memory; the American director Oliver Stone appears onscreen to tell viewers that “America didn’t learn the lesson of Vietnam, which is you shouldn’t go around invading other countries.”
    But Putin denies chiding Obama directly at the UN for the consequences of the Arab Spring. “I wasn’t saying this [to President Obama]” Putin tells Solovyov, but to the constellation of leaders, both American and European, who have been meddling in Muslim lands since 2001. “I have always been telling [these leaders] that they have to act carefully. It’s wrong to impose one’s scheme ... of ideas concerning good and evil, or in this case, good and democracy,” on countries “with differing cultures, a different religion, with other traditions. But frankly, no one listens, because they apparently consider themselves infallible and great.” No one, he adds, holds those leaders accountable, whatever the outcome. When an “operation” produces the wrong results, Putin says, the (again, unnamed) leaders in question just say, “Oh well. Next!” After all, “They’re great and sitting across the ocean, the dollar is the world’s currency, they have the biggest economy in the world.”

    The “operations” to which Putin refers include, of course, the 2003 Iraq war, which Russia, France, and Germany opposed. Then-French President Jacques Chiraq, Putin claims, even foresaw that terrorist attacks in Europe, resembling those that occurred in Paris this year, could grow out of the anarchy that would result from Saddam’s overthrow. Another is the imposition of a no-fly zone over Libya in 2011 (to prevent the regime from using its air force to stage a massacre—a fact that goes unmentioned). The film replays video of then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s remark, delivered with a callous laugh, about Libyan strongman Muammar Qaddafi’s subsequent death—“We came, we saw, he died!”—followed by footage of the tyrant’s brutal murder, which drives home the real-life consequences of the intervention and its bloody aftermath. (Eerily, the film also shows Qaddafi addressing Arab leaders at a 2011 Arab League summit, and asking, after Saddam Hussein’s execution, “Who among you is next?”)
    The Wikileaks founder Julian Assange also makes an appearance, citing cables revealing U.S. efforts to undermine the regime of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad—though American officials continue to maintain that Assad must go eventually, the cables in question most likely concern Wikileaks revelations made in 2006. The film shows Syrians lamenting the chaos the presumably American-backed terrorists have unleashed. No mention is made of Assad’s murderous crackdown on the demonstrations that set off the revolt, or of the barrel bombs deployed against civilians to this day at great cost to civilian life, or of the U.S. air campaign against ISIS.

    But the message of World Order, as the title implies, extends geographically wider and historically further back than America’s post-September 11 policies in the Middle East. As the film, and presumably Putin, have it, the real problem today is not the rise of ISIS but the breakdown in relations between Russia and the West. A key cause of this conflict has been the eastward expansion of NATO since the Berlin Wall fell in 1989, which has brought with it the stationing of troops on Russia’s border with the Baltics, plans to one day admit Ukraine (and Georgia), and, as an eventual result, Russia’s intervention in Ukraine.
    “Why did [the West] support the coup?” Putin asks, using his term for the uprisings that brought the ouster of then-Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych in 2014. He cites Western fears that Russia was trying to recreate the Soviet Union. “I think many of our partners see they made a mistake, but just don’t want to admit it. They took advantage of popular discontent not just with Yanukovych, but going back to independence. ... Does anyone think things are better there now?”
    Few would dispute Putin’s damning description of Ukraine’s post-Maidan straits: “The standard of living has fallen catastrophically. ... What have they gotten in return? Possibly [Ukrainians] will be allowed to travel to Europe without a visa. And possibly not.”
    But Putin emphasizes that he does not blame Europeans for the policies of the United States, since, in his view, they are nothing more than “vassals” taking orders “from across the ocean,” at least as far as foreign policy goes. He surely understands the relationship to be more complicated than that, but such an approach places the blame for standoff between Russia and the West on America, and lets him makes a direct overture to Europe. “We don’t expect our European partners to give up their Euro-Atlantic orientation” but they would do well to “unite with Russia” to resolve “economic, political, security, and economic problems. ... We are ready to work with them and aren’t about to pout about the sanctions,” he says.
    Significantly, though he never rules out cooperation, Putin makes no such overture to the United States. Rather, the film closes with Solovyov asking him the question used to tease viewers in the intro: Will there be war—World War III, in particular?
    Probably not, Putin responds, as long as no crazy individual decides to use nuclear weapons and start it. But just in case, “Russia will continue perfecting its [nuclear] weapons. The nuclear triad forms the basis of our security policy. We have never brandished our nuclear bludgeon, and never will, but it retains its proper place and role in our military doctrine.”
    The upshot, according to World Order: Putin considers possible a renewed relationship with Europe, but sees no such likelihood with the United States. This is one area where the views from Washington and Moscow aren’t so different—and that is bad news.

    Monday, December 28, 2015

    Willow Weep
                                                                              by BuddyBlack 2015

    The willow


    Is standing


    Without a


    Without a



    Anchored deep

    It hugs

    The earth,

    No hint

    Of laughter’

    None of



    It softly


    In gentle


    That barely


    Other trees.



    With slender


    And branches


    Its cooing


    A mournful



    But why

    So sad,

    This stately


    That stands

    So tall,

    And seems

    So free.


    What event

    In ancient


    Now leads

    Us to

    Much metric


    Of weeping


    Crying softly,

    Bearing sadness

    Standing loftly.


    A contradiction

    This weeping


    That brings

    Such joy

    To you



    Bizarre 'SLI' Phenom

    People all over the world have noticed that streetlights turn off when they get near them and turn back on when they’ve passed.

    Buddy Black OMG! omg! And here, I Thought that I alone, was afflicted with this incredable 'talent'! Here, just sit back for a moment while we 'time travel' as I recount from actual 'experience' these incredible, and documented events in life that make Me More than 'qualified' to be a 'Bizarre Phenomenon Poster boy'. Oh, where to begin...well, I suppose at the very 'beginning' would be a Start. My very First recollection of my 'BP' was when I was just a wee lad, still freshly in diapers. Even though I was born at Such a young age, even at That young age I was able, through some strange quirk of mental telepathy no doubt, to forewarn my, up til Then clueless parents, that Potty training was Not going to be the most Fun period of their life. And of course I was Right. Then there was the time not much later in life, that my science teacher, and Who but Science Teacher would 'know' these things, told me after what must have been an exacerbating day, "son, you just have a 'way' of turning people Off, and sucking the Life out of things, your talents are unparrelled!" There, the proof is in the pudding as That accolade came from Academia itself! And how well I recall the time I flipped a light switch on, and the light bulb gave out a smarky 'pop', and all was dark. Yes, I sucked the life right out of it. And conversly, the time that while visiting my grandparents farm I bent over to cross through the pasture fence, digging my bare toes into the moist soil, and grabbing hold of the wire to part it for my carefree pass through. In that one split second, I was able to 'energize' Fifteen Miles of barbed wire and scourch many square yards of grass all around me! What Energy! At That particular point I saw that I could Also 'transmit' energy, as well as suck it up. I was Double talented!! And the time that while swimming with friends in a local pond during a thunder storm. I was able to innocently suck a lightening bolt from a cloud which zapped the water causing us to pop out like so many champagne corks! And later in life, the time I turned the ignition key of my old VW bug, and nothing happened, but I knew that I was simply draining the battery into my Own being because the more I tried to start it, the hotter I became, and the sweatier I got. Yep, 'cause and effect' in action. And yes, I too have some experience with 'street lights'. Let me recall it for you. I well remember the time near dusk of the day, I was tooling along in a car that actually started, and head lights working, when all of a sudden as I approaced a street light my 'energy' was projected to it, and as if by some unexplained 'BP' (Bizarre Phenomenon) that streetlight went Out! Then as I passed, I saw with my very own eyes, the light went dim and then came back On. The same thing happened with the Next street light, and so on down the road. Oh, if Thats not the Power of 'SLI' (Streetlight Interference) then please tell me what Is! Now, I could go on, and on, and on with scientifically verifiable instances of the Phenomenon that I possess, but I think that with these mentioned events that you now fully understand, and can identify with, the incredible burden and responsibility of one who is 'afflicted' with this 'talent'. So, you doubting thomases who are Sooo quick to be naysayers, and building your bonfires on which to roast we who you do not understand, how jealous you must Be! Just remember though, the next time you flick a switch and Nothing happens, or a street light goes Out as you pass, or you get a 'compliment' from someone as I did from my teacher, You, yourself, could be afflicted by 'The SLI Effect', which by the way is Not so bad during the Daytime but Is a bit vexing the darker it gets. So, go forth, carry a 'reverse polerization anti-interference' flashlight, and be prepared to be 'SLI'd' just when you least expect it, and have the jibbies scared right out of you. Good luck fellow 'SLI'ers', you Really Suck! ;););)

    Bizarre Phenomenon: People Seem to Turn Off Streetlights With Their Bodies

    In Beyond Science, Epoch Times explores research and accounts related to phenomena and theories that challenge our current knowledge. We delve into ideas that stimulate the imagination and open up new possibilities. Share your thoughts with us on these sometimes controversial topics in the comments section below.
    People all over the world have noticed that streetlights turn off when they get near them and turn back on when they’ve passed.
    A 53-year-old American housewife told Hilary Evans, a lead researcher of this phenomenon: “I couldn’t believe this was a phenomenon that others shared with me. I just thought I was nuts and so did those I told. … I first noticed street lights going off when I began taking college classes at [night] … Several times when I would turn into my street to come home, the streetlight outside our home went out. I didn’t say anything thinking something was wrong with it.
    “Then it began going off when I would step out onto the porch. For a while, I thought it was coincidence, then I began noticing lights turning off in other places.” For example, one night when she was walking with a friend, four lights went off as they passed and turned back on after she was clear of them.
    “It continues to happen to me, and I continue to try to make others believe me,” she wrote. Evans received many such testimonies from people of all walks of life. Evans also noted in his book “The SLI Effect,” that unlike some other paranormal phenomena, this one does not relate to any greater belief systems or carry with it the benefits or merit of other supernormal abilities. People thus have less reason to make it up.
    Electrical engineer Bill Beaty explained his theory about streetlight interference (SLI), as the phenomenon is called, in an episode of William Shatner’s “Weird or What?”
    Beaty thinks people who experience SLI, dubbed SLIders, may be walking electric generators. He spoke of the static electricity we conduct when we scuff our feet on carpet, for example. He said we could conduct electricity by stealing electrons from the air each time we inhale.
    If inhaling makes us electrically charged, why doesn’t everyone have the same effect on streetlights? Beaty said there may be an as-of-yet undiscovered virus that could alter some people’s lungs, making them more likely to carry a charge.
    He recognizes that his theory is weird.
    “The vast, unstudied collection of weird things—some of those are real, and those are Nobel-Prize discoveries,” he said.
    Gary M. Rowe, who has studied the phenomenon in the UK for 25 years, provides “a practical guide to investigating apparent Street Light Interference (SLI).”
    He notes that an investigator must rule out causes for streetlights flickering or going out, such as faulty lights and lowered temperature (which can affect the lights’ operation).
    *Image of streetlights via Shutterstock

    Saturday, December 26, 2015

    Allens From UrAnus

    'Holy celestial meteoroids! Will ya Look at That!? And nobody would listen to me! Oh, you're crazy as a crack smokin' loon they say. Well HaHa on Them! Now we'll see who has the last laugh! And I'm gonna be laughin' all the way to the bank with This one! Here, pull up a bean bag, have a 'brownie' and let me tell you how I've come to this great awakening. You see, I haven't Always been spending every breathing second of my life searching for UFO's. In my Other 'life' I was a world reknowned Anethesiologist, why, I've put more people to sleep than a memory foam mattress! Man, what a job that was! A little sniff for You, a little whiff for Me. But ya gotta be careful with that stuff, 'they' say too much whiffer sniffer can impair ones brain but as you can see, I was an exception. One day after 'work' I was just chilling on top of our local water tower minding my own beeswax, when all of a sudden out of the corner of my good eye I spied my very first extraterrestrial flying object, commonly known as a UFO, except it was Not 'Unidentified' to Me. I knew what it was right away! :0 It looked just like your standard space craft, and when it hovered above me I could see right in the window, and looking Back at me was an 'ET' looking creature who gave me a thumbs up, or at least it Looked like a thumb, and then he was gone like a shot. But wouldn't you know it, I had left my trusty camera in my fallout shelter. But I took a 'mind' picture of it and vowed to Never be sans camera Ever again. I told Everyone about it but skeptics all, they laughed and called me crazy. But I Knew that what I 'saw' was the real thing, the real deal. Soon, my job began interferring with my quest to capture, at least by photo, a UFO that would show the whole world that UFO's really Do exist. Really! Then I retired and dedicated my whole being, my whole life, my every thought, my every fiber, my every toke, my every whiff, to prove that Alians really do exist, and I would be the very first person to be BFF's with one. But First, I had to get that Picture! And get it I Did! After a zillion pictures capturing everything that flys, and some things that Don't, I Finally got the Goods on film. I just used a simple point n shoot box camera! I don't have a computor, and believe me, I know Nothing whatsoever about 'photoshopping' a picture. Never even heard of such a thing, if it really does exist. How crazy is That!? Who would Ever do That anyway? If it 'really' can be Done. But out of the zillions of pics I took, I finally got Four pics that would make even the meanest hardcore doubting thomas to give up the ghost, and admit that Wow!, UFO's are Real afterall! I mean just look at the 'evidence' in these unretouched pictures! Don't they look just like what you'd expect a 'real' UFO to 'look' like. They're symmetrical, smooth, with a reflective surface, and Look, it even has it's very Own light source! Holly cows folks! What Else could it possibly be!?? I found the holy Grail! It's real! I Knew I could do it! I even sent the pics to the National UFO Reporting Center, the most reputable UFO verifying agency in the whole world. I mean, you can't get any better than That! I'm still waiting for them to finish verifying my pics, and that indeed these are Real UFO's, just as I know they Are. Oh boy, I'm practically famous now, my name will be in all the news papers world wide, my name will be on the tongues of Everyone as the man who 'shot' a UFO. I now Live on top of our towns water tank and I just know that soon my Alian BFF's will come and give me a ride in their snappy saucer, and take me to their home planet 'UrAnus', and fete me as their earthling BFF. Oh, I just Love being famous, and getting all this wonderful positive attention. Now I ask you, Who's laughing Now!?'  ;) ;)



    Montana Man: I Have Proof UFOs Are Real

    He claims his camera caught one above Montana last month

    By Arden Dier, Newser Staff

    Posted Dec 24, 2015 8:08 AM CST
    (Newser) – Richard O'Connor's two motion detection cameras are positioned 30 feet off the ground around his Clancy, Montana, home, and are trained skyward: Over the course of nearly two years, they've snapped some 280,000 photos. Most show birds, squirrels, or branches. But five of the bunch, taken Nov. 4, "are proof positive that UFOs are real," the retired anesthesiologist tells the Great Falls Tribune. The images show what appears to be "a very symmetrical, smooth and reflective surface that appears to have his own light source," says O'Connor. "In my opinion, even a hardened skeptic would say 'Wow, that is what I expect a UFO would look like.'" O'Connor, who says he's never dabbled in Photoshop, sent the photos to the National UFO Reporting Center.
    The sighting report on the NUFORC site reads in part, "The first 5 photos in this series recorded the direct approach of 2 UFOs to the east-facing camera from an unknown distance. Photo M 5/20, obtained 6 seconds after the series of photos was triggered, reveals a clear photo of a UFO. Neither UFO is seen in photo number 6, recorded approximately 1 second later." NUFORC forwarded the photos to a photo analyst, who determined "the images are real, but remain a mystery. I suspect the lights in the first and last photos are sun reflections off of something rather than any propulsion system." Another analyst, however, concluded the photos are "100% fake." O'Connor has offered to take a polygraph test and plans to meet with other photo analysts." If I am subject to criticism to get to the bottom of this, then I guess it's part of the deal." See one photo here, or read about other alleged sightings throughout history.

    Trumps 'BFF'

    Why Did Putin Heap Praise on Donald Trump?

    Russian leader Vladimir Putin weighed in Thursday on the U.S. presidential race, making complimentary comments about Donald Trump, Bloomberg News reported.
    The Republican front-runner is “a very colorful character and talented,” according to Putin, who spoke to reporters at a press conference in Moscow. “He’s the absolute leader in the presidential race. He’s said that he wants to move to a new level of ties, closer and deeper ties with Russia. How couldn’t we welcome that? Of course we welcome it.”
    Trump has distinguished himself in the field of Republican candidates by expressing less hawkish positions than most of his rivals. He disagrees with those who argue for an increased U.S. military presence, featuring more ground troops and missile strikes, to fight ISIS in Syria and Iraq. Some of the White House hopefuls advocate a no-fly zone, which they acknowledge could lead to Americans shooting down Russian planes.
    That could explain why Putin praised Trump. However, he declined to defend or criticize the billionaire businessman’s incendiary rhetoric. “It’s not our place to judge his work,” the Russian president said. He pledged to work cooperatively with whoever wins next year’s election. Bloomberg News pointed out that the two countries’ leaders have been at odds on a number of issues, including the crises in Ukraine and Syria.

    Thursday, December 24, 2015

    I Won't Go, And They'll Be Sorry

    Donald Trump is threatening to skip the next debate

    Republican U.S. presidential candidate businessman Donald Trump reacts during the second official Republican presidential candidates debate of the 2016 U.S. presidential campaign at the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library in Simi Valley, California, United States, September 16, 2015. REUTERS/Lucy NicholsonThomson ReutersRepublican presidential candidate Donald Trump during the second official Republican presidential candidates debate at the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library in Simi Valley.
    Donald Trump is considering skipping the next presidential debate if certain demands aren't met.
    The New York Times reported on Thursday that Trump, along with several other candidates — including retired neurosurgeon Ben Carson and Sen. Rand Paul (R-Kentucky) — are unhappy with the debate criteria set by CNBC late last month.
    The campaigns reportedly complained on a conference call Thursday that CNBC, the debate's host, did not seek necessary input from the campaigns before asserting that candidates had already approved the debate terms.
    The campaigns were particularly perturbed over the proposed length of the debate and the plan to scrap candidates' opening and closing statements.
    “The criteria that was outlined by CNBC was never discussed with any of the candidates or the campaigns. So what CNBC did was send out a memo and said, ‘Here’s the criteria as you have approved them and that went out to all the campaigns. We said we never agreed to this criteria,'” Corey Lewandowski, Trump's campaign manager, told The Times.
    Later on Thursday, Trump tweeted that the committee should not the agree to CNBC's "ridiculous" terms:
    One of the notable demands over which Trump's campaign is threatening to walk out is the length of the debate. Trump's campaign is pushing for a two-hour limit, unhappy with the three-hour duration of the previous debate.
    On Thursday afternoon, Trump complained about the proposed length of the debate repeatedly on Twitter.
     Many commentators said that while Trump came out of the gate strong in that debate, he waned toward the end. After the debate, when asked what he had "learned," he joked that he had found out he had "no trouble standing for three hours."
    Candidates have also complained about CNBC's plan to nix the candidates' opening and closing statements. Chris LaCivita, an aide to Sen. Rand Paul's (R-Kentucky) campaign, reportedly said CNBC can "go f--- themselves" if they scrap the statements, according to Politico.
    In a statement, CNBC said it would consider the candidates' views on the debate's format.
    "Our goal is to host the most substantive debate possible. Our practice in the past has been to forego opening statements to allow more time to address the critical issues that matter most to the American people. We started a dialogue yesterday with all of the campaigns involved and we will certainly take the candidates’ views on the format into consideration as we finalize the debate structure," the network said.
    The terms of each debate have become a sensitive topic for the campaigns. Last month, CNBC and the Republican National Committee, which is sanctioning the debate, bowed to pressure from several lower-polling candidates, who accused the organizers of trying to tip the scales of the election by considering eliminating an "undercard" debate before the main affair.
    For his part, Trump has been known to float threats as leverage during negotiations, such as when he continually suggested earlier this year that he would think about running as a third-party candidate if Republicans didn't treat him "fairly." He ultimately ended up signing a "pledge" to not run as an independent if he did not win the nomination.

    Tuesday, December 22, 2015

    Trump Say's Clinton Got Schlonged

    'Ok folks, Now who says I not an 'international' kind of guy?  My little suckup trip to Israel has paid off in great 'dividends' because as you can see I've extended my vocabulary by including a few words I learned while there.  That's right!  I now speak Yid! I'm fluent I tell ya!  Fluent!   I said that Clinton got 'Schlonged'.  That's what I said.  I said it.  Schlonged!  She got it!  My Jewish 'friends' use that word about Me all the time.  At first I didn't know what they were talking about.  Didn't know.  No clue!  Then, I asked them, and they came right out and told me what it means. It means 'Pretty Hair'.  How about That!  Pretty hair.  Hey, that's Me all over!  It was so nice of them to compliment me in that fashion, using one of their own words when referring to me.  Clinton's got pretty hair!  I like her. Like her a lot, even though she lies every time her mouth opens, I still like her.  Would I marry her?  No way!  Even though she has pretty hair like Me, I couldn't stand being around her for more than five seconds.  Unlike myself, she is a fat liar.  Can't be trusted.  Horrible person!  But, I like her.  Hey, did you notice during that debate when she had to go to the bathroom?  What's with That?  Why didn't she go Before the debate?  Women!  Love'em!  Can't live With'em, can't live without'em.  My mother's a Woman.  I like women.  Women Love me.  Have you seen my wife?  Wow!                Every woman that can vote, if their husbands let them out of the house on Election day, will vote for me because they know I like them, and 'respect' them. What was Clinton doing in that bathroom anyway?  She was in there a Lonnnng time.  What do women Do in the bathroom?  Man, to be a fly on the wall in There!  She was gone a long time!  I bet she was afraid to come out.  She's afraid of me!  Scared!  She should just give up and go have a baby or something, or whatever women do.  Stay home where she Should Be anyway.  Women can't be President!  It's a Mans world. I'm gonna be your next President come hell or high water, do or die, it's gonna be Me.  I deserve it.  I Always get what I want in life, that's just the way it's meant to be. Meant to Be! I'm pretty, and my hair's pretty too, I'm as Schlonged as can be!'  :/  ;)

    Politics | Tue Dec 22, 2015 4:47pm EST

    Trump uses vulgar term to describe Clinton's 2008 presidential run

    (Note nature of language in third and fourth paragraphs)WASHINGTON - Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump used a vulgarity to describe Hillary Clinton's loss to Barack Obama in the 2008 Democratic presidential race and then derided her over the time she took for a bathroom break during a debate.
    Trump's off-color comments about the Democratic front-runner at a campaign appearance on Monday night came a day after he called Clinton a liar for saying his proposal to ban entry of all foreign Muslims to the United States aided Islamic State's propaganda efforts.

    "She was going to beat Obama," Trump said of Clinton in Grand Rapids, Michigan. "... She was going to beat - she was favored to win - and she got schlonged. She lost."
    "Schlong" is a Yiddish slang term for a man's genitals.
    Trump, who is leading the Republican field for the 2016 presidential nomination, also made a reference to Clinton returning to the stage late after a bathroom break during a Democratic debate on Saturday night.
    "I thought she gave up," Trump said. "Where did she go? Where did Hillary go? They had to start the debate without her. Phase II. I know where she went. It's disgusting. I don't want to talk about it," Trump said.
    Jennifer Palmieri, Clinton's communications director, tweeted on Tuesday that the campaign would not respond to the comments but was scathing about the language Trump used.
    "We are not responding to Trump but everyone who understands the humiliation this degrading language inflicts on all women should," Palmieri said.
    News reports after the debate said the women's bathroom was farther from the stage than the men's room.
    A Reuters/Ipsos poll released on Monday found that Trump would lose to Clinton in a hypothetical head-to-head contest if the presidential election were held today.
    Trump appeared to struggle with women in a Quinnipiac Poll released on Tuesday. Six in 10 women said they would be "embarrassed" if the billionaire were president, compared to four in 10 men, the poll found.
    Trump's blunt and sometime outrageous style and comments about Hispanics, women, Muslims and his rivals for the nomination have set much of the tone for the Republican race. He also is known for jousting with hecklers at his events, as he did Monday night. Some were ejected from the venue and the real estate tycoon suggested they might be "drugged out." He chided another group for being "so weak" they would not resist security guards' directions to leave.
    Trump's comments about Clinton were not the first time he has veered into vulgarity. In 2011, Trump used the term "schlonged" in a Washington Post interview to refer to a Republican candidate who lost to a Democrat in a surprise upset. Both candidates in that race were women.
    After a televised debate in August, he posted Twitter messages criticizing Fox News moderator Megyn Kelly and made comments in a television interview that were widely interpreted as referring to her menstrual cycle. He denied that was his intention.
    Trump, 69, said last month that Clinton, 68, did not have strength or stamina to be president, and he also has called her the worst U.S. secretary of state during her time in the post from 2009-2013.
    He has frequently mocked his rivals for the Republican nomination for their lower standing in the polls, often focusing on Jeb Bush, who he describes as "low energy." Trump was quoted in Rolling Stone magazine in September talking about the appearance of Carly Fiorina by saying, "Look at that face. Would anyone vote for that?"
    For more on the 2016 presidential race, see the Reuters blog, “Tales from the Trail” (here)

    (Writing by Doina Chiacu, additional reporting by Emily Stephenson; Editing by Bill Trott and Frances Kerry)

    Monday, December 21, 2015

    Oh Yeah? Well, You're A Dumb Jerk

     'No I'm Not, You're a bigger jerk than me! Oh yeah, well, you're dumb as a Rock! In fact, your dumber than a whole Pile of a bunch of Rocks! And you know what Else? You make Rocks look like Rhodes Scholars! Ha, is that Right big mouth! Well, you're so dumb that if a Fly had Your brain, he'd fly backwards! Ha, is that so, well if a Duck had Your brain he'd fly upside down and have a 'quack-up'! Ohhh, you're just a dumb Jerk!'re so dumb you thought the 'Oval Office' was a donut shop! Oh yeah!? Well, it takes one to Know one Mr. Jerk!          And so Ends another 'enlightening' Presidential 'debate' between two 'intellegent', and 'mature' wannabes for the White House.  May the good Lord have Mercy on our pitiful souls.'  :/ :/  

    Bush, Trump continue to trade insults: 'jerk,' 'dumb as a rock'

    Jeb Bush and Donald Trump continue to trade insults this week from New Hampshire to Twitter. (CNN Newsource)

    CONTOOCOOK, N.H. (AP) Days after going toe-to-toe with Donald Trump on the debate stage, Jeb Bush seemed to relish his new role as the Republicans' chief Trump critic while campaigning on Saturday in New Hampshire.
    "I've got to get this off my chest: Donald Trump is a jerk," Bush said, unprompted, between answering two voters' questions. Then he slammed the billionaire businessman for insulting women, Hispanics and people with disabilities during the campaign.
    "Who is he kidding?" Bush asked the crowd. "I gave myself therapy there. Thank you for allowing me to do it," he admitted, half-jokingly.
    Bush's frustrations with Trump are not surprising. Once considered the establishment favorite for the party's nomination, Bush's policy-heavy campaign has been sagging for months and failing to break into the double digits in preference polls. Trump, by comparison, continues to dominate the field, seemingly becoming stronger with each new, inflammatory statement he makes, the latest being a call to ban Muslims from entering the country.

    Trump meanwhile went on a tirade on Twitter taking aim at Bush and his campaign.
    The strings of messages started Friday afternoon when Trump called Bush's campaign "a disaster" before imploring the former Florida governor to use his last name and "don't be ashamed of it!"

    That Stone's Gotta GO

      'Out Damned Child, Out!'

    'Look here folks, this Cemetery is a 'Business' not a welfare office! While we certainly feel 'sad' about this ladys loss, We have particular rules here. I can identify with her situation in regards to losing her child, why just last week my little puppy got runned over by a mail truck. Well, I didn't run down to our graveyard and try and plant him in the Adult section, no, indeed not. I just put him in my backyard! You see the 'connection' here? This ladies child, bless his little soul, somehow slipped through the cemetery cracks and mistakenly got buried in the Adult section. Here we have an Adult section, a Child section, and an 'Other' section. We just don't allow children in the Adult section. Older, 'dead' folks like their peace and quiet, and we're just not gonna allow children, no matter how dead they might be, to bother our Adults by running all over the place, yelling and screaming like 'wildchilds'. There's gotta be a certain measure of respect, and decorum here! And Now this lady sneaks in this Star, this abomination of a 'headstone' and we're supposed to just sit back and take it? Now some of you might think that stone looks a little like a Jewish Star of David, well you can rest easy, That that never crossed our minds! And even if it Did, which it didn't, it probably wouldn't have mattered one bit. And That Teddy Bear!! The fact is, it just doesn't 'fit' in with the Christian 'ambiance' of our lovely litlle cemetery. I mean what Were they Thinking? A Star!? Hey we have a lot of 'styles' here but This has gone waaaay too far. Our 'customers' just don't like it at all. We even got a few complaints from some of our best clients! Now this lady, bless her, has a few options. The kid can stay where he's At, but he's gotta be quiet after 9pm, but that Stone has gotta Go, and we already took care of That. Orrrr, she can have her kid moved to the Childrens section, and the Stone can go There with him. But we're not gonna pay for it! Now you might wonder, Why in the world do we have Adult, Child sections in the first place. Hmmm..., well Somewhere in the Bible I'm pretty sure there's a rule that calls for That. We're just ahead of the curve on that one. But I already mentioned about how our older residents like their peace and quiet. That works for Us! You know, I'm really quite surprised that we've received So much Heat over this trivial, matter'.  :/ :/ :/


    Cemetery removes child’s headstone, leaving grieving single mom heartbroken

    “The only things that are certain in life,” Benjamin Franklin quipped, “are death and taxes.” A story out of Malvern, England, suggests that even death comes with its share of uncertainties.
    Jo Corbett-Weeks and her dying son, Max (credit: family photo)
    Jo Corbett-Weeks and her dying son, Max (credit: family photo)
    That is the sad lesson learned by Jo Corbett-Weeks, a single mother, who saved up $4,580 to buy a special headstone for her little son, Max, who had died at age 4.
    “It would have been Max’s seventh birthday,” Corbett-Week told the BBC, emphasizing that “this was like a birthday present to him from me. I chose a star-shaped stone because I wanted something suitable for Max — something personal.”
    The headstone, shown below, went up on Max’s grave on the third anniversary of his death. Three days later it was gone, removed by the “council chiefs” at Great Malvern Cemetery, who had received complaints. It seems that the stone was a violation of decorum in the adult section of the cemetery, where Corbett-Weeks had arranged for Max to be buried three years earlier so he could “be close to other family members.”
    child's tombstone (credit: newstream)
    Credit: newstream
    To add insult to injury, Corbett-Weeks was never informed of the decision to remove the stone. “I was totally unaware this was going on,” she explained, adding:
    The council did not contact me and it was the stonemason who told me he’d been ordered to remove it. I feel upset, distressed and angry. We have been through so much as a family. I could understand if the grave was uncared for or unsightly, but it isn’t.
    Corbett-Weeks is now fighting to get the monument restored. A spokesman for the council in the meantime had a statement for the BBC:
    We have a conformity of shapes in our lawn cemetery. We were contacted by people who objected to the shape. The longer it stayed up, the harder the process would have been.
    It was a very difficult decision to remove it but one we had to make straight away.
    The spokesman went on to note that the council has “great sympathy” for Corbett-Weeks’s loss.
    Yeah, you can tell.

    Sunday, December 20, 2015


      By BuddyBlack

    You hold me,

    Why do you

    Hold me?

    Why do you

    Hold me back?

    My skin is amber

    My skin is tan

    My skin is red,

    My skin is black.

    And you hold me.

    But not with love,

    Not with care.

    You shield my eyes

    From horizons there,

    And you hold me.

    And squeeze my life,

    And I’d rather

    You beat me,

    Or run me through

    With a cold steel knife.

    My skin is white,

    My skin is tan

    My gender is woman

    My gender is man,

    and with mental chains

    you hold me down.

    You steal my lands,

    My sky tall trees,

    My blowing sands.

    You fence my fields

    You dam my streams.

    You drown my village

    You kill my dreams.

    Your prejudiced eyes

    Hold me down.

    My skin is yellow

    My skin is brown.

    You give me land

    That won’t bear fruit,

    You give me ghettos

    Where robbers loot,

    Where dealers hide,

    And killers shoot

    Our children
    Right before our eyes.

    Yes, you hold me

    But not for long.

    The hate you have

    Has made me strong.

    You’ve taught me how

    Your hold is wrong,

    And I will Never hum

    To your evil song.

    Yes, you hold me, you hold me,

    You hold me,

    But not for long.

    'Rump' n 'Putty'

    ' Man, what a 'friend' I have in my new BFF 'Putty'. He said I can call him by his nickname 'Putty', he's my 'Putty' buddy, that's just how 'close' we are! I told him that He can call Me by My nickname 'Rump'. Now, what I want to Know is why all these stupid reporters, especially those dumb Women reporters are always picking on 'Putty'? I tell ya, they better knock it off! And I mean it! If you pick on Him, it's the same as picking on Me. Don't do it! Just don't do it I tell you! I hate to say it but these Jingo reporters are gonna learn a sad lesson when I'm President! I wont stand for it! They're up to something! You know what they're accusing 'Putty' of doing? You want to know? It's Horrible what they're saying! Stupid! Just plain stupid! They said he killed some stupid reporters over there in Russia. WTF!? Why in the world would he do That? I mean, hey, even if he Did, and I know he Didn't, how wrong is it to knock off a reporter in the first place. Hey, I've thought about doin' it myself! I got a long list of'em, mostly those stinking Women reporters that I wouldn't miss! I tell you they are a bunch of mean people. They ask stupid questions, and then try to get me to give them a reasonable answer. Can you Imagine That? What gall! Who do they think they are anyhow? I'm gonna send them all to Russia, see how they like That! But you know what, I 'know' 'Putty' pretty darn good, he's a nice guy, a nice guy, he likes Everyone, especially me, he Said so. I'm gonna teach him how to play golf. I'll let him 'win' a few rounds, that's what you do with your BFF's. But he didn't kill Anyone, and he wouldn't Let anyone that works for him hurt a fly. When I look into his eyes you know what I see? I see Me! And I'm not just talking about my reflection in his eyeballs either. We're a lot alike! He told me that if I show Him how to play golf, He'd show Me how to play President. I can hardly wait to be a real 'politician', just like 'Putty'! That's what BFF's Do! He helps a Lot of people! Right now he's helping his good friend, hey, not as good as Me though, over there somewhere...someplace that has a lot of Oil that people are stealing. What mean people would do That? 'Putty' said he's gonna catch those thieves and make them do some sort of community service. What a nice guy he is! He said that he also helped a whole Country, someplace called Ukran, or Ucanrain or something like that, saved it from itself he did. His Army actually 'volunteered' to go on their own humanitarian mission to do it. He said he can help me save America too! He really likes our Country. He asked me if I'd let him park a few of his personal ships down at Cape Canaveral, man he has One that's just Huge, he parks a Bunch of airplanes on it. Yep, that's cool with Me. What a swell guy! I am Too! 'Rump' n 'Putty', that has a nice sound to it. That's what BFF's do.' :/ :/




    Trump: No proof Putin killed journalists

    • Donald Trump really does like Russian President Vladimir Putin
    • The Republican presidential front-runner on Sunday defended continued to cozy up to Putin
    Washington (CNN)Donald Trump really does like Russian President Vladimir Putin.
    The Republican presidential front-runner on Sunday defended continued to cozy up to Putin, defending him against well-documented claims that the Russian leader has ordered the killings of journalists in his country.
      Trump called reporters' killings "horrible" on ABC's "This Week" Sunday. But he noted that Putin hasn't admitted any role in their deaths.
      "He's always denied it. It's never been proven that he's killed anybody," Trump said. "So, you know, you're supposed to be innocent until proven guilty, at least in our country. It has not been proven that he's killed reporters."
      He added: "Now, I think it would be despicable if that took place, but I haven't seen any evidence that he's killed anybody in terms of reporters."
      Trump's defense of Putin comes after Putin called Trump "bright and talented" and "the absolute leader of the presidential race" -- praise Trump embraced as a "great honor."
      On Friday, Trump had equated Putin's killings with the United States, saying on MSNBC that "our country does plenty of killing also."
      That comment was enough to draw a rebuke from Mitt Romney, the 2012 GOP presidential nominee, who tweeted: "Important distinction: thug Putin kills journalists and opponents; our presidents kill terrorists and enemy combatants."
      Still, Trump has stuck with Putin -- who, like Trump, was also interviewed on the episode of CBS' "60 Minutes" that drew the program's highest-ever ratings this fall.
      "He is a strong leader. What am I going to say, he's a weak leader? He's making mincemeat out of our president," Trump said Sunday.
      "I didn't say anything one way or the other. He came out with a very nice statement about me, and I said, 'That's very nice, I'm honored by it,'" Trump said.
      He added: "I think it would be a positive thing if Russia and the United States actually got along."
      He backed Russia's role in the Iran nuclear deal, saying it makes sense Putin would want closer ties to Tehran now that the United States has agreed to loosen economic sanctions on the country -- freeing up more money to purchase missiles.
      "Russia is making a lot of money with the deal, because they're selling missiles and other military armaments to Iran and they're making a fortune on it, because they're smart," Trump said.