Saturday, June 1, 2019

Lies Start At The 'Top'

It's obvious that what we have here, other than the 'acknowledgement" is a whole lot of professional liars starting with Trump, 'The Serial Liar', right on down the line. The actual 'truth' of this incredibly disgusting matter will come out, and when it does certain heads should 'roll'. There is no excuse for our military to be politicized in any shape or form, especially for whomever may be President at the time.. Unfortunately, with our current 'Commander-In-Idiocy' every branch of our government is open season to his unsupervised childish antics. This is what America gets when it elects a 'man-baby' as its President, and it wont end until he is evicted from our White House, and his putrid "swamp" filled in, and 'paved' over.

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"A request was made to the U.S. Navy to minimize the visibility of USS John S. McCain" during President Donald Trump's recent state visit to Japan, the Navy said in a statement.

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