Saturday, June 15, 2019

The 'King', The 'Bullyboy', The Trump

Trump, 'The Bullyboy', has elevated himself from a mere incompetent 'President' to the grand position of the, just as incompetent, 'King of America'. He has cleverly by-passed his first wish as America's Dictator-In-Chief because that would draw too much negative attention from even his own brainless minions. But now as the exalted 'King of America', which as we all 'know' everyone just loves a 'King', he can better hold America hostage without anyone barely noticing.
Of course he has always fancied himself as the only American above the law, and not subject to any Rule of Law, but now it is quite official that even the Constitution does not apply to his Royal Throne. 'King Trump' has shown that he can openly violate any law of the land that might thwart his Royal Regime's goal of conquering not only America but the world in general. He knows that the longer he holds absolute dictatorial power over our Nation that soon we all will be under the spell of the 'Stockholm Syndrome', and then we all will 'love', and protect, the very despot we all have learned to 'despise'.
I have said it before, and I'll say it again, post Trump, America may never heal from the damage that he has done, and will continue to do until he is evicted from our lives. Only one other person in recent history has had such a negative effect on America, and the world as a whole, than Trump, 'The International Bullyboy'. If Hitler were alive today he would no doubt be a proud minion of Trump, 'The Dictator Lover'.
Trump has shown that he is not mentally fit, and even less knowledgeable, to fill the role as our Nations President, Leader, and Commander-In-Chief.
America has 'humored' this 'man-baby' pretending to be 'Presidential' too long as it is. To continue to do so will only give him more power, and time, to destroy our nation while he falsely claims to be making "America great Again".
If American's do not now stand up and be counted in their protest against this despot, then we shall deserve what comes with his continued presence as America's 'King'.

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Russia, if you’re listening, La Cosa Nostra has moved into La Casa Bianca

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