Thursday, June 27, 2019

It's "None of Your Business"

'Just remember, I am your President, I represent all American's no matter where I go, no matter who I talk to, no matter what. So, let me be perfectly opaquely 'clear', "it's none of your business" what I talk to Putin or anyone else about. I'm a very important, busy, self elitist, more important and more powerful than anyone I talk to, I'm even more powerful and more popular than jesus himself.
Because of Me, myself and I, and my schoolyard bully tactics, the whole world fears and 'respects' me, and by the way, America as well. I know how to treat people so that they quiver in their boots when they think of me. I'm the first thing they think of in the mornings, and their worst nightmare when they try to sleep at night. But that's just me, me, me. I 'know' how to get respect, and when I don't get it, I simply threaten and bully until they give in. That's how you make friends and allies and 'make' people 'respect' you. Ya gotta 'make' people love you! First you treat them like crap, scare the life out of them, call them awful names. Then ignore them. Soon they'll send you a letter begging for forgiveness for something they didn't even do. Then you 'act' like you like them, say nice things about them that you really don't mean, but still making them starve for forgiveness. Pretty soon they'll cave in and give you anything you want just to be called your 'friend'. Then you've got them where you want them, and no more problems from them.
So don't even dare to ask me what I talk to them about because, "it's none of your business", that's My business, no one else's but mine. I'm in charge of America, and American's have no business knowing how I rule my country. God sent me here to save America from it's Obama era self, and I'll do whatever it takes to be the best 'King' America ever had. Really.'

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President Trump, asked if he'll bring up election meddling with Russian President Vladimir Putin at the G20, said it's "none of your business" what he says. ...

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