Tuesday, June 11, 2019

'Kimmy, Remember, I 'Trust' You'

'Yes, let me, as is my custom, be nearly perfectly 'clear' as I can almost possibly be at this particular date and time, but remember, even things that seems 'possible' right now can also be proven later to have been 'impossible' at that former particular date and time, and that is that, my very special, and loving BFF-FWB Kimmy, 'The Missile Man', has "kept his word". "He kept his word. There's no nuclear testing. There's no large, there's no long-range missiles going up. Th...e only things he's set up were very short term, short range. That was just a test of short range. It's a whole different deal, but he's kept his word to me. That's very important," and you know what?, I have to "take his word" for it. When he tells me that he has "kept his word", I gotta believe him, I just gotta! I mean, who else can I possibly believe around here? I can 'read' people.That's my 'job'. And let me tell you he is one easy 'read'. That's why he would never lie to me, he 'knows' I'm a first class mind reader of the worst kind. Nothing gets past my mind. Absolutlely nothing! Nothing in, nothing out. But that's just me. Is that bat crap crazy, or is it just Me?
By the way, who's this 'Bolton' guy everyone is talking about? What's his job around here? Who in the heck hired him in the first place? Never met him. Not even sure what he looks like. Kelly-Ann, look into this please, fire'em or something! He's making me 'look' bad, and by the way, that just happens to be 'My' job, I don't need some kid from the old 'swamp' making me look worse than I am. I can do that all by myself, I don't need anyone but me, myself, and I, around here. Bolton, "you're fired"! Get a real job loser!' Kimmy, pay no attention to that guy, I'm the only person in my kingdom you can 'trust', it's you and me, all the way pal!

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cnn.com|By Maegan Vazquez
President Donald Trump said Tuesday that North Korean leader Kim Jong Un has "kept his word" when it comes to nuclear and missile testing, contradicting his own national security adviser, John Bolton, who just hours earlier had accused Pyongyang of failing to follow through on its commitments.

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