Thursday, June 6, 2019

'Paint My Wall!'

And so now, our Military has been relegated to the level of a 'Painting contractor'!?? Not that there's anything wrong with 'painting contractors', but 'painting' just happens to be 'Their' sole job in life, whereas our 'Militaries' job in life is the protection of our nation, NOT painting a friggin' Border Wall!
Once again Trump, 'The Insignificant', is using, and abusing our Military members to enhance his own personal agendas.
This made for TV photo op is just another example of how slinking low Trump will crawl in order to starlight his name, and his self induced fame at the expense of others.
If he wants to 'beautify' the Border Wall he should hire an actual 'Paint Contractor' to do the work, that by the way, is not actually needed in the first place. There is no immigrant or asylum seeker on this planet that gives a crap about the color of the Border Wall no matter how pretty some one happens to paint it up. It's just Trump, 'The Deflector', creating another elusion to take the heat off of his mounting self induced troubles, and he will stop at nothing to create an even more divisive America.
This idiocy will stop only when this 'man-baby' Trump, and his whole entitled family, along with his addled brain minions, is evicted from Our White House.

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The Department of Homeland Security wants to improve the “aesthetic appearance” of the barrier.

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