Tuesday, June 18, 2019

Hey! Pay Attention To The Emperor, Folks!

'I tell you, I Am the 'Supreme Ruler' of America! I'm whatcha might call a self anointed, self appointed, 'Emperor' in designer clothing. Did you know that my 'base' is already demanding that I serve a THIRD term as their Supreme Leader? Many, many, phone calls and letters, bags and bags of them, from all across America, which as you 'know', I have made "great again" just begging me with tears of hope in their eyes to be their 'leader' in all things 'American', way into the future. here's a letter from a little old lady in some state, somewhere, the ink smeared with her heartfelt tears begging me to keep making America even greater than I already have. Here's a little boy of 12 who will be of voting age soon telling me how I've saved his family farm from becoming a disgusting Federal Park. Many, many letters! All of America loves me! Unbelievable!
These prideful 'christian' fans pay attention to every word that splatters from my 'Presidential' lips. But there are still a clutch of disloyal American's, along with their "enemy of the people" the lying 'press', who do not pay attention to my dictatorial words. I mean, who does that!? Even in North Korea, every living soul pays attention to my BFF-FWB Kimmy when he speaks. Great guy! Family man! Truthful guy!
"Hey, he (Kim Jong Un) is the head of a country and I mean he is the strong head. Don’t let anyone think anything different. He speaks and his people sit up at attention. I want my people to do the same." That's what good serfs do when their dictator speaks! They listen, they don't question, they obey, they don't ever say 'no' to their 'Supreme Leader'. And you know what?, I'll do whatever it takes to get "attention", no matter what lies I have to utter, no matter who's lives I must destroy in the process. I say to all American's, 'Obey your 'Leader'. Just do it folks. You can 'trust' me, I'm the only person you can 'believe'...look deeeeep into my all knowing eyes, deep, deeeeper yet, soon you will all be suffering from the 'Stockholm Syndrome', your souls will be mine, you will name your children after me, you will wear your hair in my own style, you will live your lives as I say...deeper, deeper.' Your king has spoken, my words are as if god spoke them himself, so you 'know' I speak the 'truth', I will lie to you 'only' when it is necessary to protect myself from "fake news". Really.'

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Donald Trump praises brutal North Korean dictator Kim Jong Un, and wants Americans to behave like subservient North Koreans.

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