Tuesday, June 11, 2019

Praise The Lord, And Pass The Collection Plate

“Oh hallelujah, praise the good lord, and pass the collection plate! Our godly house of worship has been graced, and anointed by the very hand of our nations President, who surprise, surprise, dropped in as if from heaven, asking me personally to give a big 'religious' shout-out to our invisible deity in the sky so that our 'esteemed' President might be blessed with magical balls while out on his golf course making a 'hole in one' for Christ. And good lord almighty, we beseech thee to make his 'rod and staff' of ample girth, length, and purity so that wherever he goes it shall precede him, and be a significant 'counter weight' for his overloaded arse. Lord, there may be one or two 'spies' among our members, no doubt 'closet' democrats, who will meekly protest my politicizing my pulpit in order to properly suck-up to my new BFF in Christ, but let me assure you lord, they wont be here sullying our halls of righteousness next Sunday.
“Sometimes we find ourselves in situations that we didn’t see coming, and we’re faced with a decision in a moment when we don’t have the liberty of deliberation, so we do our best to glorify God,” and of course, my new BFF, the 'Pres'.'

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