Wednesday, June 5, 2019

Over Here, Over Here, Take My Beautiful Picture!

'Me, me, over here, take My picture! Look at me, look at me, I'm 'American Royalty', take My picture too! No, no, you must look at Me first, I'm the oldest of the 'Trump Dynasty', you must notice Me first! Excuse me, but as you can plainly see, I'm the most beautiful of them all, everyone tells me so, so it is I you must photograph first. As you all know, our daddy is the 'King' of America, and that makes all of us entitled 'American Royalty'. Oh how we love our golden 'thrones'! Our 'subjects', peons as they may be, have sent us, at their expense, to the UK to show their Queen what 'Royalty' actually looks like, and I think we have 'wowed' them to the stage of them groveling at our designer feet. See how they bow and properly curtsy as we glide around the room pretending to be interested in every boring thing they say. All of our subjects in our 'kingdom' of Trumps America, are so very proud of how we glitter, like so much fools gold. Over here, over here with the camera please, take my royal picture, these will be tomorrows 'good ol' days' as our dynasty thrives and grows while we control more and more of our subjects lives. Daddy, come, there's a camera over here!'

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At a grand banquet table in a red-carpeted Buckingham Palace ballroom, the…

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