Saturday, June 15, 2019

America's 'King' Threatens America

Oh my invisible god!!! Our self anointed 'King' is gonna make the sky crash right down on our pitiful heads if he's not elected! Oh please Mr. President, please don't destroy our pitiful world just because you 'can', and make us suffer any more than we already deserve! Please spare us from your god almighty wrath of vengeance!
If we 'promise' to vote for you will you just let us live our miserable lives in your highly esteemed shadow of benevolence as you see fit? We promise to grovel at your gold shod feet, and kiss your rotund butt whenever it pleases you. Really. Oh Master, we are at your loving mercy forever, and ever amen.

About this website
3 hrs
The only market crash Wall Street investors, businesses, and consumers have been worrying about lately stems from the President's trade wars.

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