Monday, June 10, 2019

'I Will Call You What I Am'

'My reluctant 'fellow American's', Anyone with even half a brain, as I, myself possess, will approve of this heartfelt message; From this day foreword I 'promise' that I will refrain from calling everyone, whom I perceive as my mortal enemies, vile, disgusting names unless that childish, schoolyard bullying name totally describes my three selves, 'Me, Myself, and I'.
So, in summary, if I have ever told the truth (not) about anything let me reassure you that This time, as far as I can tell, I could not be more 'truthful' in that if I call you a vile, disgusting, childish name, I will be calling you exactly what I myself just happen to be. Am I 'Presidential', or what!?'


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WASHINGTON — President Trump called Nixon’s White House Counsel John Dean a “sleazebag” in a tweet Sunday. The president once again hammered Democrats for wanting a “Redo, or Do Over” on the heels …

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