Thursday, June 27, 2019

It's Time For Change!

As long as the 'Justices'' on the Supreme Court continue to be 'bought and paid for' by ANY President, or Political Party of the United States, we will continue to witness these non-sensical rulings that can, and will adversely affect our country.
The only way to remedy the politicizing of our Supreme Court is to discard the presidents power to 'appoint', in lieu of the same system and method that the president is 'elected' under, minus the antiquated 'Electoral College' which itself needs to be discarded because that is simply another system that is easily 'bought and paid for' by Presidents.
The candidates for the Supreme Court should have to 'campaign' and 'run for office', giving the citizens of America whose lives they will eventually affect in some way or another, a chance to weigh the candidates qualifications based on their personal backgrounds and actual legal experience, and then be put to the Popular vote. The then popularly elected Justice's should be able to serve only a Four Year term, period. No re-election to another four years at the end of their mandated four year term, and then barred for eight years before they can run again for that same office, and then only Two terms in their lifetime. They should also, at end of their four year term, be barred for life from becoming lobbyists.
The Supreme Court is supposed to 'work' in the best interest of ALL Americans, not just for the President that appointed them and to whom they then 'owe' for that job placement. They should be held accountable to the citizens, by the citizens, and should be representing those citizens without political 'payback' in their rulings.'  ;)

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The ruling means politicians are free to maximize party power and skew elections with few constraints. But citizens will keep fighting in the states.

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