Wednesday, June 12, 2019

'Democracy' In China? Not.

Eventually, and unfortunately, China's brutal dictator Xi Jinping, will resort to lethal attacks on these protesters who in his mind are a threat to his closed autocratic 'government'. When the 'rubber bullets' fail, the 'lead bullets' will begin. The only reason he allows Hong Kong to enjoy its level of tenious 'democracy' is because it is a huge source of $$revenue$$ for his regime. Were it not so, he would have snuffed out Hong Kong a long time ago. A dictators benvolency goes only so far.
Hong Kong is, and will always be, part of, and owned, and controlled by 'China', and as such he will not allow the pro-democracy movement to even nearly flourish. The Hong Kong government, hand picked by Xi, and its police are controlled by Xi. China rules all things China, and Hong Kong Is China. Xi can, and will do, as he pleases with Hong Kong, and the rest of the world can only sit back and watch, and no one will come to their aid no matter how brutal the suppression may be.
No matter how brave and commendable Hong Kong's residents may be, they are no match for a ruthless dictator's power. They protest today, but the clouds of tear gas, and the rain of rubber bullets blot out their tomorrows, especially anyone suspected of being part of the pro-democracy movement. As sad as it certainly is, their fate is sealed.

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People are protesting in Hong Kong against a controversial extradition bill.…

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