Tuesday, February 20, 2018

'Yes, Mr. President, 'Excellent' Plan'

'Yes, Mr. President, 'Excellent' Plan'

Acting on a 'report' from his trusted 'advisors', and his personal 'news' source Breitbart News that an undocumented lon...e 'wolf' has been, according to locals, terrorizing the innocent moose population in the State of Alaska, President Trump has declared all out 'war' on the approximately 12 thousand endangered migratory Wolves residing there. Apparently, the human residents of Alaska are convinced that little red riding hood and her friends the three pigs will become dog food unless the President does something worthy of their votes and insures them that these 'lone wolves' will cease to cause their sphincters to pucker at even the 'thought' of the terror they may, or may not more likely, bring.
So, knowing a potential paronoid vote or two when he see's one, Mr Trump, while used his 'best' common sense, and un-common 'logic' as usual, and called for open war against these four legged 'terrorists', calling them vile, disgusting animals, vowing to quickly round up and eliminate this obvious source of public angst.
Armed with a nuclear tipped spear, and nail studded balsa wood club, and backed by 100 thousand cub scouts deputized as National Guardsmen, Mr Trump promised that only He, and he Alone, could singlehandedly round up and destroy this menace to the peace and welfare of all Alaskans, and make Alaska Great Again, earning himself, and Presented by himself, the 'Merit Badge Of No Particular Distinction'. When asked if he had any ethical qualms about possibly snaring innocent souls, Mr. Trump was quick to say, it's better that thousands, and thousands of innocent 'wolves' become Victims of my 'purge', than to allow one rogue 'wolf' to escape my snare'.

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Animal rights groups worry that hunters could once again kill these predator animals from the air or in dens if the law is overturned.
nbcnews.com|By NBC News

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