Tuesday, February 20, 2018


"Most conservative media reject the idea that shootings like the one in Parkland are a gun issue. The real concern isn't that semi-automatic rifles like the AR-15 are widely available and can be purchased for less than you would spend on a good bicycle. Instead, they argue, that the real crisis involves a breakdown in the fabric of American society, disintegrating families, and a LACK OF CHRISTIAN VALUES." Lack of "Christian Values"...hmmm...lets see now, just how does that work in reality? Actually, not very well at all. Like, if God makes all things happen, as any good 'christian' will admit to, he no doubt even created the Devil apparently, after all, who Else could have done so, then he most certainly sanctioned the latest school massacre, as well as all that preceded it, and will surely be responsible for any that follow. Now why would such a supposidly kind, loving and benevolent God do such a grisly thing to the very human 'sheep' he created. So, given this little fact, it really would not matter one whitt if every single person in America filled up to the brim on this "Christian Value" stuff as long as their God is left at the helm of the, "Vengence is mine sayeth the lord", doomsday ship of fools.
"We must also work together to create a culture in our country that embraces the dignity of life," Trump argued. WTF is that all about!? NOW he cares about "dignity"?? Trump, the "pussy" grabber?? Are we talking about the same person here?
The real answer, 'Limbaugh' said, is more guns in schools: "The solution, to me and I know this is going to cause all kinds of angst, the solution is we need concealed carry in these schools." He went on to argue that rallies and marches and attacks on the NRA won't make kids or teachers safer. Limbaugh is the poster child for why brain damaged fetuses should be aborted early. "we need concealed carry in these schools." So, he wants to make 'warriors' out of school teachers? Really?? A fool and his gun are soon parted. What part of 'reality in the real world' does he not understand? Oh, right, he does not actually live in the 'real' world.

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Student activists are calling on the country to pass stricter gun legislation but some believe shootings are caused by societal issues, not the availability of guns.

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