Sunday, February 18, 2018

And The "Devil Smiled"

Ok, now I don't mean to confuse those 'good christians' who still follow the mystic words of their mythical 'guidebook, the Bible, but if that's what it takes, then here. There's that 'thing', "The Devil", that they always blame bad stuff on. Poor guy is a scapegoat for everything that the 'goodbook' espousers fall back on when they have no other answer to blert. The "devil" did this, the devil di...d that, the devil's gonna getchya if you don't be good. He probably gets blamed way too much in the first place. Speaking of 'the first place', I seem to remember from my pre, 'hey I've got my own mind now', days being told that our dear God, our savior in that gold plated heaven above 'created all things'. That sure is a lot of stuff, including the "devil". If the "devil" were actually 'real' you could almost feel sorry for him. So then, God surely created the "devil", and if so, one must wonder, why in the world would he do that?? Why would he want to create 'someone' that's gonna make your life a living hell 24/7??? And if he did indeed create the "devil", why hasn't he zapped his arse and be done with the havoc he makes? Oh, and who has the most 'power' here? Surely it must be the "devil" because there seems to be more bad stuff happening than good stuff, at least in mass. Now, if there's not really this "devil" spirit, and is simply a mythical, made up thing to scare the pants off of people, and serve as a convenient scapegoat, then all the bad things that happen simply falls back on God. And if this is so, why is he so obviously mean, and vindictive towards the very people he supposedly "created in his own image". Can't the "Devil" stop him? Who's the 'bad' guy here? Perhaps we should try it sans both of these man made mythical creatures. It seems the world would be a more peaceful, and happy place if these two imaginary beings weren't around trying to upstage one another, I mean, hey, it's tough enough down here. Ok folks, let's crack our 'goodbooks' open to ... .
Anything but the gun: Fox News host Todd Starnes blames the Devil, pornography, and church state separation for the Florida school shooting.

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