Friday, February 23, 2018

'Emotional', What?

Well who would Ever suspect that something like this would Ever happen because of an Un Trained animal? And here I was gonna bring my 18 foot long 'emotional' support Anaconda with me on my next flight. He seldom bites anything over 80 pounds in weight. Now, this stupid puppy has gone and ruined it for the rest of us. Just last week a nice lady was barred from bringing her Emotional Support Peacock with her. And then there was the guy with a Spider on a leash, and how about ...that Pot Belled Pig that pooped in the aisle, and how about that Bird that flew around the cabin pooping on people and eventually made it's way to the cockpit which forced an emergency landing. OK. I was just kidding about that Anaconda thing just to get your attention.
This 'Emotional Support' critter stuff should never even been entertained in the first place. Stupid people take advantage of loop holes like this and just go crazy trying to get away with everything they can, and then it comes down to an incident where an untrained 'Emotional Support' animal bites the hell out of a kid who as a result will now need 'Emotional Support' herself. Airlines should STOP this practice and get back to getting folks from point A, to point B instead of causing Emotional Stress on everyone else on the flight just to coddle someone who 'needs' their Cockatoo on their shoulder for 'Emotional Support'.

See More
Southwest Airlines is reviewing its policies on emotional support and service animals after a young girl was bitten on the forehead on one of its planes.

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