Tuesday, February 6, 2018

'Clap' Only Upon His Speedy Exit

'Clap' Only Upon His Speedy Exit

Again, when we look for a 'hero', or in this case a 'heroine', we need look no further than Tammy Duckworth.
 Trump, 'The Incompetent', will no doubt verbally skewer her for standing up to him, and for not bending over for him every time some idiotic words spew from his wanna-be, dictator-like mouth. And by doing so he will simply add more garbage to his festering republican "Swamp" of fools. Trump foolishly looks into his egotistical mirror, and because of his underdeveloped man-child "smart" brain, does not realize that a morally inept creature is staring back at him. Contrary to his narrow minded belief system, we do not 'Pledge allegiance" to a 'President'. He is Not our Country, our Nation, nor our America. He is 'supposed' to be our President, the very person who is supposed to defend our Constitution, and all Americans, whether they 'clap, clap, clap', for him or not. He is supposed to be un-biased, un-prejudiced, impartial, fair to all, and the champion for the rights of all Americans. And yet, he is none of that, and is void of all that it takes to even Be that. He fancies himself as the 'All-American Hero', sent here by whatever 'God' he pretends to believe in, to save America from itself, only now, it is We who are in need of being 'saved' from Him. And so No, there should be no 'Clap, Clap, Clap', for this small minded man-child, and only so upon his speedy exit from our Whitehouse.

See More
The Illinois Democrat, an Iraq War veteran, criticized Trump after he called Democrats “treasonous” for not applauding him.
washingtonpost.com|By Kristine Phillips

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