Monday, February 19, 2018

Once Again, We Shoot

Once again, We shoot, we cry, we re-load, and shoot again. Nothing was learned from the last one, nothing from this one, and nothing will be learned from the next one that will surely happen. We cannot legislate 'sanity', whatever that might actually be. The 'human animal' has found a way to slaughter other human animals ever since we grew opposable thumbs. In this modern age we simply find more expedient, and more lethal means of accomplishing that gory feat. In all animals, humans included, there resides in the deep hidden recesses of our 'modern' brain, a vestige of our Neanderthal selves that normally we are able to keep confined without it harming our fellow humans. But for some of us, and there is no way to predict who or when, or why, that wild animal will escape from that self imposed 'mental prison', and wreak havoc, and destruction. We all, whether we will admit it or not, are capable of  'snapping out' in some fashion, big or small, and releasing our own Neanderthal self on our fellow man. While I agree that tougher gun laws are needed, we must face the sad music here that even after millions of years of human 'evolution' we still have not rid our genes of the 'wild', and, not likely that we ever will. We are Still, the human animal quite capable of acting very un-human at times. Insanity? By definition, Perhaps. More likely though, an incurable human condition that we don't realize we have, until we do.

Voters For Equality's post.
Voters For Equality
17 families are without their children tonight. No more thoughts and prayers! REAL action. End this cycle.
Write your legislator. and


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