Tuesday, February 20, 2018

Nothing From Nothing = Nothing

Holy crap buckets! They just go from stupid to stupider! (yeah, I know, where'd that word come from). The "consumers" that need health coverage the most, and those who can least afford it in the first place, will then receive less than nothing just when they need More in the second place. Nothing from nothing leaves twice as much of nothing. If you already need life saving 'health care' you can just kiss your butt goodbye. Why not just call it, 'Affordable Nothing', because there's really no 'Health Care' involved here! There'll probably be a 'rider' that one could purchase if you donate $ for Trump, 'The Incompetent's' just as stupid 'wall'. This is what happens when America, well actually America by default considering that Trump wouldn't even Be President in the first place had it not been for the antiquated Electoral College fiasco, 'elects' a failing 'business man' as President, who then hires just as unqualified minions who make decisions based on what their unqualified boss tweets (nocturnal emissions) up in the middle of the night. Trump built a new Washington "swamp", and filled it with new swamp scum that he calls, 'Administrators', but a 'Rose by any other name is still a rose', or, 'you can put lipstick on a pig, but it's still a pig', or...well, you get the idea here. Did I mention 'stupid'?

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The Trump administration Tuesday spelled out a plan to lower the cost of health insurance: give consumers the option of buying less coverage in exchange for reduced premiums. The proposed regulations would expand an alternative to the…

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