Friday, February 23, 2018

A Sad Commentary on Insanity In America

This is simply more insanity. More guns to prevent more guns is not going to prevent more guns. You are simply adding to the insane proliferation of more guns in the shaky hands of people who have no business of having it in the first place. Teachers 'teach', Police 'police', let each do their jobs. Educators should not be 'forced' to wear two hats.
It's unfortunate, and a sad commentary on America, that we are faced with obviously mental ill people who will stop at nothing in order to carry out their warped agendas by slaughtering defenseless children in our schools. There needs to be stricter ingress, and egress at our school buildings. All students should be issued photo ID that should be carried, and displayed at all times. That ID card should serve as the students electronic 'key' for entry at only designated, and physically monitored entry points. These entrance doors should not be constructed of glass or wood. In every classroom there should be a device, besides a doorknob lock, that can be easily, and quickly put in place from the interior side to prevent the door from being forced open. These doors should also not be made of glass or wood. There should be at least Two Law Enforcement Officers on duty roaming being proactive instead of waiting for something to happen, at all times during school hours and during any school events. Their job, and only job is for Security of the students and staff, and as part of their duties is to instruct staff and students as to procedures to follow in event of an unauthorized intruder. It's sad that it has come to this in America, but until we can figure out a way to resolve this Insanity + Guns issue, we must be proactive in protecting our schools from these murderers. Arming our teachers and forcing them to become combat ready security guards is Not the answer here.
Of course all this requires budgets that most school districts lack. Our Federal Government should assist in funding these needs where district funds are scant. The longer our politicians 'talk' instead of 'acting', the sooner there will be another shooting. And again, 'we shoot, we cry, we re-load, and shoot again'.

The Kentucky legislature is considering arming teachers and administrators in response to a school shooting there Jan. 23.

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