Wednesday, February 14, 2018

In His Own Image

What a BS'ing incompetent! He simply wants the US 're-built' in his own image. America is Not broken as he would have us believe. America does Not need to be 're-built', just fix the things that are not working! This egotistical maniac is still riding on the Steve Bannon train of "de-constructing" America. Trump, 'The Incompetent', is the problem with the "infrastructure", and it is he who is hell bent on destroying our America. If America Ever recovers from the damage this little man-child has done, is doing, and if allowed, will continue to do, it will take decades to repair.
President Donald Trump is continuing his push to overhaul infrastructure in the US, telling reporters that "infrastructure repair is a priority shared by both parties." Trump revealed his $1.5 trillion infrastructure plan earlier this week. (Feb. 14)

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