Thursday, February 22, 2018

Saudi 'Artificial Intelligence'

'Ahh yes, you see I have studied most intently "other Muslim clerics and selected religious statements", and now I can say without a doubt, and with Saudi 'scientific' certainty, that not only is the earth "stationary", but it is also flat as my latest brain scan. You see, because I am what you might call a 'Saudi Cleric', I instantly, and without question, know all there is about all there is to know. Look, we all 'know' that the Earth stands still, otherwise we, along with ...our camels, and donkeys, would be flung into outter space and meet our 40 virgins way before our time. Am I not sitting here before you? Does anyone feel the least bit dizzy from spinning about? No. The correct answer is No. If there is a pop quiz later, be sure to mark 'no'. Also have you ever noticed that it never rains here? There's a 'reason' for that, and after I study "other Muslim clerics and selected religious statements", I will totally explain to your complete satisfaction those particular reasons. It can all be explained, just as all things mystical can be. Do you know why camels have those crazy humps that point up, instead of down? I can explain that as well. Some other time. When I was a commoner, I knew nothing, but when I became a, 'Saudi Cleric', I instantly was filled, along with untold $$riches$$, with such 'knowledge' that I now overflow with all things that we "clerics" consider, 'intellegent'. Do not commit death dealing blasphemy by questioning my godly ability to bypass western science. My word is Allahs word. To doubt Me, is to doubt Allah. To doubt Allah will bring such heavy stones down upon your sinful heads. Is that what you really want?? So, everyone repeat after me, the Earth is "Stationary", the Earth is "stationary", everyone together now, the earth is "stationary", louder now, and make a fist and shake it above your heads! Remember, be careful of any blasphemous thoughts, I can also read minds, that's why I'm a professional 'Saudi Cleric', and you're not.'

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In Case You Missed It -
A Saudi cleric denies that the Earth revolves around sun, teaching students that the Earth is “stationary and does not move.” When answering a student…

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