Sunday, February 18, 2018

Are We An Insane Nation?

Are We An Insane Nation?

Perhaps we need to look at other countries, you know, the whole rest of the World, and examine WHY those countries do not suffer the same Gun Violence Slaughter in Their schools as America does. There's a common denominator there that America is lacking. Firearms cannot be left out of the equation, just as mental health, or lack thereof cannot be. If indeed all these cases can be attributed to mental health issues would it be impossible that America suffers from more debilitating mental illnesses than the rest of the world? Does the incredible ease of having access to guns make it even more so? In China, there have been many cases where someone with a knife has attacked school children, but with fewer deaths as a result. Civilians simply don't own firearms there. America was 'discovered', and stolen at the business end of guns, and we have grown up with one in our hands, on our belt, under our pillows, and in our cars. America is a gun culture world. A lot of our economy is based on firearms, and the firearm industry and their protectors dole out billions of dollars to support the proliferation of guns in America. Guns are 'king' here. Even our Constitution is geared to protect them as if they are some sort of sacred God that must never be blasphemed. To own and operate an automobile every American MUST by law, be a certain age, have an Operators permit, and Liability Insurance, and your vehicle MUST be registered, and licensed before it can be operated. There's hardly any such requirements for owning a firearm. That may be part of the problem in America, the incredible ease of obtaining a gun. It should be much more difficult, this is not the 17 & 1800's anymore. We should be able to evolve and adjust our laws as our circumstances change, good or bad. The other may be the mental health issue. Certainly Americans can't possibly be any crazier than the rest of the world. Right? But it certainly seems so when we are pissed off and have a snappy killing machine in our insane hands. Somewhere here there's that common denominator that prompts Americans, mostly of the Male species, to choose a gun as their arbitrator for dispute resolution. This carnage will never end, and will only get worse by the next mental health issue that decides to up the body count at the next school, or wherever. We can go on pretending that there's no correlation between Mental Health, Anger, and Firearms, but nothing will likely change until the three are included in the conversation, and ultimate solution.

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The Other 98%
23 hrs
There are 10 times as many school shootings in the US than the rest of the world combined. Something has to change.
Source (NYT):

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