Sunday, February 4, 2018

America's 'Religious' Taliban

 Yeah, Allen, Amen, praise your forgiving, loving, benevolent, kind, turn the other cheek Lord! The American 'religious' Taliban has spoken. This is the 'religion' that were it not for the laws we have in America that hopefully prevents it, would line us up against the 'wall' and shoot us for anything that damn well pleases them. It's 'their' way, or the highway, or the 'wall' as it were. The great 'learned' state of Alabama must be so very proud to have this wanna be terrorist, and his 'religion', in their midst.

In Case You Missed It -
Alabama pastor says people should be shot if they don’t stand for the national anthem. In a revolting display of misguided patriotism, Pastor Allen Joyner…

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