Wednesday, February 1, 2017

'How To Make Friends, And Influence...'

'How to Make friends, And Influence...'

'Hey Mal, thought you'd never answer your phone! What took you so long?? Look when I call you just pick it up, and stop it with the 'Caller I.D.' thing. I'm a busy 'Presidential businessman', I talk to a lot of people. Lots of'em. Many. Trying to run a country here. I almost hung up. Thought you'd never pick up. Ignoring me probably. Not nice Mal! I'd 'never' do that to somebody, not even You, probably.
Look Mal, the reason I called you, you 'Know', it Rang Six times before you picked up, I called you to tell you what a great guy you probably are and how much America appreciates all the help your country has given us in the past. Speaking of the 'outback', did you know there's a restaurant here in America called 'The Outback'? Crazy huh? Hey Mal, 'looks like' the transmitter on your phone's not working so well, but I know You can hear Me, so like I was going to do Anyway, I'll do all the talking. You see, I'm a 'talker', that's what I Do, I talk and people listen, I talk, I don't Listen. Hate it! I'll never be accused of listening to Anything Anyone has Ever said. Did you see how I won the Popular vote by five million votes? Hillary cried like a baby! Waaa! Everyone 'loves' me Mal. Hey, I was just wondering, do kangaroos really know how to box? How'd you like to have a really great golf course there?   Hey, You've probably 'heard' that I might be suffering from some sort of crazy mental Anomlies that seem to distort my critical reasoning facilities, but don't worry Mal, it's just some silly "Alternative facts" rumor or Something like that spread by some disgusting 'Fake News' rag. Crazy! By the way, I hear that Obama 'promised' that America would take half of those illegals you're holding on that prison Island there. Not gonna happen Mal! Forget about it! No way pal. Just give'em a 'green card', they can work on our new golf course I'll build for you. You know Mal, talking to you makes me tired. You have worn me Out Mal! You know, I talked to a lot of people today. Hundreds! A lot! I might send troops to Mexico to deal with those "bad hombres" down there, but I gotta get'em back before my 'wall' goes up . Gonna start my 'wall' soon.   Mexico's gonna pay for it.  Looks like You need one Mal!  I talked to my BFF-FWB Vlad 'The Nation Builder' Putin today. Great guy! Funny! He loves America to death. Just like me! We have a Lot in common. All good 'dictators' do. He said I'm a great 'leader', he's gonna help me "make America great again".  And Then, I go and call You Mal! You know what, “This was the worst call by far,” I gonna have to teach you how I 'make friends' Mal. You see, the way I do it is like This; I treat my enemies like family, and my 'friends' like crap, especially Women, and 'Opposition Reporters'. My enemies don't know whether to love me or hate me, and my 'friends', will sooner or later come crawling back, groveling and begging my forgiveness, and afraid Not to 'love' me. It's called 'control' Mal. Control. Soon as you 'learn' it, call me back. Whoopes! Your 'dime' is up Mal, gotta go.' :/


Report: Trump lashes out at Australian PM on phone call

President Trump may be off to a rocky start with one of the United States’ closest allies: Australia.
In a Saturday phone call with Australian Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull, Trump lambasted an agreement between the two countries over refugee resettlement and bragged about the size of his Electoral College victory, as well as the fact that he had held several calls with other world leaders that same day, The Washington Post reports.
“This was the worst call by far,” Trump allegedly told Turnbull during their conversation, according to senior U.S. officials briefed on the phone call. Trump also spoke with Shinzo Abe of Japan, Angela Merkel of Germany, François Hollande of France and Vladimir Putin of Russia that day.
The account of the phone call seems to contradict that of the White House, which said that the two men “emphasized the enduring strength and closeness of the U.S.-Australia relationship that is critical for peace, stability, and prosperity in the Asia-Pacific region and globally.”
When Turnbull asked Trump if the U.S. would take in 1,250 refugees currently being held in Australia — an agreement that the two countries made under President Obama — Trump reportedly called it “the worst deal ever,” and suggested that Australia may be trying to send the U.S. “the next Boston bomber.”
The phone call was expected to last an hour. But after about 25 minutes, The Post reports, Trump suddenly ended it.
Late Wednesday evening, Trump said he is weighing the "dumb deal" under which the U.S. would resettle up to 1,250 asylum seekers who were placed in controversial detention facilities on the island nation of Nuaru and Manus Island in Papua New Guinea after attempting to enter Australia illegally. Most are believed to be from Iran and Iraq, countries included on Trump's recent temporary immigration ban.
On Tuesday, White House press secretary Sean Spicer said the administration would honor the deal but said the refugees would undergo "extreme vetting." However, the White House reportedly later walked that back and said Trump is still considering the arrangement, according to Australian news outlet ABC.
Separately, The Associated Press reported on Thursday that Trump told Mexico’s president Enrique Peña Nieto during a Friday phone call that Mexico had “a bunch of bad hombres down there,” and threatened to send in the U.S. military to intervene.
The White House and Mexico’s government have both denied those reports.
Turnbull refused to comment on The Post’s report, but said the refugee agreement between the two countries would go ahead as planned.
"That assurance was confirmed by the President's spokesman in the briefing room of the White House,” Turnbull said at a press conference Tuesday. “And our respective officials, are continuing to work on the implementation of the arrangements. That's the position."
"These conversations are conducted candidly, frankly, privately. If you see reports of them, I'm not going to add to them," he continued.

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