Tuesday, February 14, 2017

Ooooo..A 'Leak' In the White House 'Plumbing'

Oh Yes, Yes! A 'leak' about a possible CRIME commited by a top Trump appointee, is Waaaaay more "Important" to America than the 'crime' itself, says our esteemed President using his "Alternative Facts" logic. Methinks he is more concerned that the "Oppostion Party" media, actually Did what he fears the most, they Investigated, as they correctly are want to do, and Discovered Idiocy in his handpicked administration, and Reported on it. This is Not the 'end' of the story as he would wish. More will be discovered in the near future and more heads will roll. The minions are only doing what their boss dictates, their lies will carry them only so far.  They cannot morally, nor ethically claim that, 'I was only doing what I was told to do'.  Ultimately the President is responsible for whatever his staff do while under his 'leadership'.  As he, himself, is fond of saying, "you ain't seen nothing yet".   Imagine That! Humpty Trumpty sat on a 'wall'.... .


Donald Trump Says Michael Flynn’s Scandal Is Less Important Than Who Leaked It

Flynn resigned Monday over allegations that he broke the law in conversations with Russia.

02/14/2017 09:37 am ET|Updated13 hours ago

President Donald Trump responded Tuesday to the resignation of his embattled national security adviser by saying that “the real story” is who leaked information about him to the press.
Michael Flynn, a retired general, stepped down on Monday over allegations that he spoke to the Russian ambassador last year about the possibility of easing sanctions that then-President Barack Obama had placed on Russia. The conversation would have taken place before Trump took office, and it’s illegal for private citizens to engage in diplomatic talks.
Trump may have been referring in his tweet to reports of North Korea’s missile test, which he appears to have discussed in the middle of the public dining area of his Florida club. One club member posted photos of the meeting on Facebook. It’s unclear whether the president and Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, with whom he was dining when the news broke, were handling classified materials.
Earlier on Monday, The Washington Post reported that the Department of Justice had previously warned the White House about Flynn’s relationship to Russia.
Retired Lt. Gen. Joseph Keith Kellogg Jr. will serve as acting national security advisor until Trump appoints a replacement.
Trump’s attitude toward Russia has also come under scrutiny, particularly in the wake of revelations that Russian President Vladimir Putin likely ordered his intelligence agencies to hack the U.S. presidential election. Trump has shied away from blaming Russia for hacking Democrats. The U.S. president also recently defended Putin over the alleged murders of his political opponents, saying, “we’ve got a lot of killers. What do you think? Our country’s so innocent?”

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