Tuesday, February 14, 2017

'Constitutional Law'

'What if Trump Outlaws Protesters'

“Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety.”(Benjamin Franklin) We don't need new 'laws' to deal with protesters. Americans have the Constitutional right to Peacefully protest Anything they may not agree with. It is the Violent, Destructive, Provocatour with their own personal agendas, or... acting at the behest of Others, bent on destroying private, and public property, and injuring Law Eforcement personell that should be addressed. The right to protest Ends when the line of 'Peaceful, and Violent' is crossed. Washington DC covers that issue in that if a 'protester' turns Violent with resulting property damage or personal injury, it is deemed a FELONY with substantial penalties. These are the types of 'protesters' that should be addressed, Not peaceful, law abiding protesters who have a right to be heard and seen. If the President wants to create a new 'law' then he should create one like DC has, but that which covers All States likewise, and vigoriously Enforce laws that may be already on the books. If the act of Peaceful protestation, 'Freedom Of Speech', 'Freedom of Peaceful Assembly', is outlawed by our President, then what Next will he attack that our Constitution, at the moment, protects? Already he Is, and Has been attacking reporters, and the media in general, as, "The Opposition Party" as if they are some nefarious, illegal, un-American entity, that to Him, can't be trusted to tell the truth, as only He 'can'. Trump is Not our 'King', or a self ordained 'Dictator' which he seemingly fancies himself, and We are not his lowly serfs in spite of how he views us. He cannot be allowed to Rule by a "Alternative Facts" policy were he repeats lie, after lie, after lie, ad nausium, that he uses to 'dumb down' Americans. We are a nation of Laws, and our Constitution was put in place to Protect America's Citizens from both a 'King', And a 'Dictator'. He cannot be allowed to ursurp that Constitution just because he may not agree with any, or all of it. If Americans sit back and allow our President to chip away at the Constitution, erroding our Freedoms, then we will have no one to blame but our apathetic selves. It matters not whether you are Republican or Democrat or anywhere in between, if we let 'party lines' for the sake of 'party' block out common sense, ethics, and morals, then we deserve what we get. :)

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