Saturday, February 11, 2017


"Our legal system is broken!", Tweets 'Big-D'

'You 'know', I've 'always' been a Law and Order kind of guy. Love the law. Great guys. I don't 'recall' Ever, or hardly ever, breaking any sort of law. 'Never' cheated Anyone out of anything for profit. Disgusting thought! Hardly Ever took advantage of a loophole to avoid responsibility for anything, or to make a profit where I ethically should not have, and Never jumped through a loophole to avoid paying my fair share of taxes America, or anyplace, Else for that matter. Shame on people who do that! Un-American! Don't do it! Remember, Do as I Say, Not as I Do. I'm just an average law abiding, blue collar, stand up white American citizen, who treats 'everyone', except perhaps "Opposition Party" reporters and Women, with respect and kindness. Everyone loves me. Great poll numbers! Won the popular vote by Millions. Woulda been more but for five million illegals that sneaked over the border by Hillary. "Disgusting woman". Respect her a lot, especially bill. Great people.
How about this disgustingly broken "legal system" we have! “our legal system is broken!” What's With that!? "Our legal system is broken! "77% of refugees allowed into U.S. since travel reprieve hail from seven suspect countries." (WT) SO DANGEROUS!" Lets hear a big Shout-out to my Kelly gal, and to my all American 'patriot', BFF Stevie, for 'always' providing me with up-to-the-moment, "Alternative Facts" info just when it matters most. I can 'never' go wrong with them directing my Every Thought, and move. Gotta love'em! Where would I be without them! Where?? This broken "legal system" that is totally ruining America is preventing Me from Totally, that is, America the way I want to! hey, I Own America now, bought and 'paid' for! Mine! All Mine! I know more about 'law' than Any of these "so-called" judges! Did they even Go to law school? Must have been a correspondence course from Mexico! So Clueless! How dare they prevent Me from ursurping our Constitution! Slackers! I'm gonna Fire all of them! You're Fired! Who 'needs' them in the first place. Who's idea was this? Don't You're Fired! Lets see how they like That!
But you know, I'm Still President, and I'm going to write some New laws that will supercede Their laws that prevent Me from breaking Their laws, Then if they break My laws, I'll just fire them. I'm in charge of America now, I make the laws, and I Can't be fired what with being 'above' the law, and I Tweet the 'rules' around here that everyone, except for myself, has to follow.' "You ain't seen nothing yet!"


Just In...

Trump tweets: ‘Our legal system is broken!’

President Trump on Saturday morning increased his attacks on the judiciary, declaring on Twitter that “our legal system is broken!”
“Our legal system is broken! "77% of refugees allowed into U.S. since travel reprieve hail from seven suspect countries." (WT) SO DANGEROUS!” he tweeted, quoting a Washington Times article published Thursday.
Trump has repeatedly railed against judges who have ruled against his executive order on immigration.
The U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit on Thursday refused to lift a temporary stay on the order that was put in place by a district court last week.
Trump on Thursday night lashed out at the appeals court, tweeting: “SEE YOU IN COURT, THE SECURITY OF OUR NATION IS AT STAKE!”
He earlier in the week called the district judge who first put a temporary restraining order on his actions a “so-called judge.”
The White House has sent conflicting signals on what it will do next in the legal fight. Chief of Staff Reince Priebus on Friday evening said the administration was still considering an appeal to the Supreme Court.
Priebus's statement came roughly an hour after a White House official said it was not planning to challenge the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals ruling upholding a temporary restraining order blocking the ban.
And Trump himself has said a new order on security could come next week.
Trump’s executive action barred people from seven majority Muslim countries from entering the U.S. for 90 days. The order also temporarily halted refugee resettlement in the U.S., and banned Syrian refugees indefinitely.
Trump’s Saturday morning tweet came while he is hosting Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe at his Mar-a-Lago resort in Florida.

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