Friday, February 24, 2017

'Trust Me'

Trust Me'
'You won't see this in Any news media reports so it's up to Me, your Presidential "Fake News", "Enemy of the people" basher to tell You the 'truth' as only I 'know' it, as told to me by my 'trusty' side kicks, Stevie, and my gal Kellya.
It goes like This; No one has Ever 'seen' so many 'Trum-Pet' faithfuls lined up butt to belly waiting for the incredible chance to hob-knob' with their wonderful ...'leader'! Un-believable! Astounding numbers! Great people. I Personally counted 2 Million minions myself! Could'a been even More! Smart people. 'Intellectuals'. Legal voters! You should'a seen'em! Six Blocks worth of'em! Six Blocks! City blocks! Peaceful. No fights. Nice family people. Love'em. They love Me. Three Million of'em! Hugged every one of'em! They all bought one of my ball caps. Twenty-four bucks each! Made a killing! This 'job' is a Money Maker! My brand is Hot! Gotta line up some More of these little chit-chat events.
Well, gotta run, bunch of bible thumpers want to kiss my ring, and the Pope wants to wash my feet. People Love to love me. No one gets 'numbers' like me. My approval stats are like 65% and climbing! Un-believable! Un-believable! Did I mention that I won the Popular Vote? Remember, the "Fake News" media is Your enemy! They Lie all the time. Don't trust them! You can 'trust' Me to tell you the 'truth" all the time. 'Trust' me. Really. No kidding this time.' ;)


Trump falsely claims lines 'go back 6 blocks' for CPAC speech

NATIONAL HARBOR, MD. — President Trump falsely claimed during his speech at the Conservative Political Action Conference on Friday that lines to get in stretched back “six blocks.”
It was a statement at odds with the quiet scene outside the Gaylord National Resort and Convention Center, where CPAC is taking place.
There were no lines getting into the Gaylord within the hour before Trump began speaking Friday morning.
"There are lines that go back six blocks. I tell you that because you won’t read about it," Trump said during his address.

The entire National Harbor development along the Potomac River stretches about six blocks. Streets surrounding the area were quiet save for a few people, mostly CPAC volunteers, stopping at a nearby Starbucks and security officers patrolling the front of the Gaylord.Trump spent a significant part of his speech bashing a news media that he thinks isn't giving him enough positive coverage.
He doubled down on calling the media "the enemy of the people," to cheers from the crowd.

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