Thursday, February 9, 2017

'When Up, Is Actually Down'

'When Down, Is Actually Up'
'And when I say the word "Demoralizing", you better believe that I mean it all the way from here to there! You see, that's how I feel everytime I hear the Truth about Anything. Anything! Doesn't matter. But boy, This one Really puts me there! I mean, I'm like, so deep in it I have to look Up to see Down. Why is verybody always picking on Me? I mean, am I 'Presidenting' while impaired or something? What's going on out there in the 'Real' world? What? Makes you wonder doesn't it? Talk about "fake news"! How about that CNN!? And Now look, here's Another Senator caught telling lies. Let me be more to the point here and say This about That,
"Sen.Richard Blumenthal, who never fought in Vietnam when he said for years he had (major lie),now misrepresents what Judge Gorsuch told him?" "Chris Cuomo, in his interview with Sen. Blumenthal, never asked him about his long-term lie about his brave "service" in Vietnam. FAKE NEWS!" Geez! How "fake news" can you get! Stupid, disgusting CNN! "Opposition Party"! If only there was some way I could divert attention away from this "fake news". If I ever find out who invented 'fake' news, I'll..ah..I' them. Where's my gal Kelly, my purveyor of "Alternative Facts"? Stevie, call meeee...need your 'brilliant' mind, I'm running on Blanks me, where Are you! Yikes! Must 'think' on my Own. How can you even begin to believe a politician when we 'all' know that all they do is lie, especially about Me. I'm So glad I'm not one of Those. This is really “disheartening.” I know that Everyone agrees with my mode of thinking and to think that my temporary BFF nominee for the Supreme Court would diss me is more than I can possibly bear. Can't stand it! What's going on here!? Need more sleep. Has Everyone but Me lost their minds? Am I the only 'intellegent' life form left on Earth? Has God chosen Me to be the Only person who can save planet Earth and America from doom? Well, of Course! Well then, it begs the question, just how in blazes am I supposed to do that when I have no Clue as to what I'm Doing in the first place!? Why is my new 'office' Oval? This place needs a 'make-over'! Where's my wifie? Everybody hates me, nobody loves me, well, except my ever faithful Stevie and my gal Kelly, they'll always love me no matter what. Right? WaaaaWaaaa.' :/

Trump Assails Senator Who Divulged that Gorsuch Called Attacks on Judiciary ‘Demoralizing’
■ President Trump will meet with airline industry executives over breakfast at 9:30 on Thursday.
■ Representative Tom Price could finally get a vote as soon as Friday to be confirmed as secretary of health and human services.
■ At 11 a.m., Senator Chuck Schumer of New York, the Democratic leader, and Senator Patty Murray of Washington, the ranking Democrat on the labor committee, will go after Andrew Puzder, Mr. Trump’s embattled nominee for labor secretary.
Trump shoots the messenger, Senator Blumenthal
It was a bit of a kiss-and-tell moment when Senator Richard Blumenthal, Democrat of Connecticut, told reporters that President Trump’s nominee for the Supreme Court, Judge Neil M. Gorsuch, had called Mr. Trump’s attacks on the judiciary “demoralizing” and “disheartening.”
The account was readily confirmed on the record by a White House adviser, Ron Bonjean, working to advance the Gorsuch confirmation.
But that wasn’t enough to stop the president from going after Mr. Bluementhal where it hurt: "Sen.Richard Blumenthal, who never fought in Vietnam when he said for years he had (major lie),now misrepresents what Judge Gorsuch told him?"
The president was referring to 2010 news, broken in The New York Times, a media outlet he has openly criticized, that Mr. Blumenthal had exaggerated his Vietnam-era service.

The president, who might want to be making friends with the senators who need to confirm Judge Gorsuch, tipped his hand as to what news program he was watching Thursday morning: CNN, where Mr. Blumenthal was being interviewed. Mr. Trump registered his discontent.
Actually, Mr. Cuomo did ask about Mr. Blumenthal’s service, he said. "Chris Cuomo, in his interview with Sen. Blumenthal, never asked him about his long-term lie about his brave "service" in Vietnam. FAKE NEWS!"
It is also unclear what was “fake” about a story that relied as much on the people shepherding the Gorsuch nomination through the Senate as on one of the senators who will cast a vote.
Senator Ben Sasse, Republican of Nebraska, confirmed the Blumenthal account Thursday morning, as did former Senator Kelly Ayotte, a Republican and one of Judge Gorsuch’s shepherds.
Mr. Cuomo also did not ask the senator about the president’s bone spurs.

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