Wednesday, February 8, 2017

The reflection In The 'Mirror'

'The Reflection In The 'Mirror''

Putin, 'The nation Builder's', idea of a 'progressive' government, and human rights advocate. "The law declares domestic violence an administrative, rather than criminal, offence, provided it is a first-time transgression". The law declares domestic violence an administrative, rather than criminal, offence, provided it is a first-time transgression. "We mean physical assaults that do not require a medical report as they do not result in injuries, these are family disputes with minor consequences,". So in Putins view, it appears that a family member can now 'slightly' beat a Female member at least One time without to much ado. Sorta like warming them up a bit for the later grand slam. Again, "We mean physical assaults that do not require a medical report as they do not result in injuries, these are family disputes with minor consequences," so a woman can be physically assaulted at will, whenever, and for whatever 'reason' as long as she keeps her mouth shut, and 'refuses' medical treatment, all is well because, "these are family disputes with minor consequences," "..minor consequences". The men in Russia must be a Lot different than men throughout the rest of the world, and 'surely' are to be 'admired' for their tolerant restraint when it comes to gently physiclly assaulting their women, and probably Never doing a little 'follow-up' beating later to justify the First one. 'Honey, you 'know' I wouldn't beat the hell out of you if I didn't 'love' you'. 'See what you 'made' me do'. 'I forgive you for making me slam You all over the floor and making such a bloody mess.' 'If you call 911, you're dead!'
Women of Russia, good luck, Womem of America, pay attention!

You might ask, 'Why be even remotely interested in laws that are passed in far away Russia by President Trumps BFF?' Well, in the First place, Putin is a person that Trump looks up to, and "admires" through opaque glasses as a great "leader". Of course anyone that has, with the glaring exception of President trump, even a Speck of common sense Knows what type of 'leader', and 'admirable' person Putin really 'is', Not. Now, by officially marginalizing women, and relegating them to the status of a 'legal' human punching bag, he simply adds another 'hero' award to his status which Trump can admire and only hope to immulate. And, as we all 'know', Trump adores women, especially those with-in groping distance. Putin, and Trump are 'cut from the same cloth', and both strive for dominance at all costs. We should All be interested, and concerned about Anything a 'hero' of President Trump does as They are the 'mirror' that he see his Own reflection in. :/ :/


Putin signs law decriminalizing domestic violence

February 07, 17:56UTC+3
The law declares domestic violence an administrative, rather than criminal, offence
1 pages in this article

© Mikhail Klementiev/Presidential press service/TASS
MOSCOW, February 7. /TASS/. Russian President Vladimir Putin has signed a law decriminalizing domestic violence. The law has been published on Russia’s official website containing legal information.
The law declares domestic violence an administrative, rather than criminal, offence, provided it is a first-time transgression.
The law amends Article 116 of the Russian Criminal Code by excluding physical assaults on relatives from criminal offences while a person who commits repeated assaults will face criminal charges.
In June 2016, first-time battery was declared an administrative offence, however, it was announced that if those committing battery were motivated by hooliganism, political, ethnic and ideological enmity, or were assaulting their relatives, would face criminal charges.
The decision whipped up turmoil in society leading to protests against first-time domestic battery being declared a criminal offence.
According to Russian MP Yelena Mizulina, "there are 59 articles stipulating criminal responsibility for violence" so there is no need to amount domestic battery to physical assaults committed out of hooliganism or any kind of enmity. "We mean physical assaults that do not require a medical report as they do not result in injuries, these are family disputes with minor consequences," she elaborated.
The administrative offence for first-time battery envisages an arrest for ten to fifteen days, a fine of 5,000 to 30,000 rubles (roughly $85 - 500) or compulsory community service for 60-120 hours. Meanwhile, those charged with repeated assaults will face criminal charges under Article 116 of the Russian Criminal Code which stipulates a fine of up to 40,000 rubles (roughly $670), compulsory community service for up to six months or an arrest for up to three months.


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