Thursday, February 2, 2017

'America, Up A Creek Without A Paddle'

'America, Up A Creek Without A Paddle'

Incredible as it may seem, and in line with its 'scorched earth' policy, the GOP has mindlessly voted to Repeal the Clean Stream Act which will now allow Mining conglomerates,(oil, gas, coal etc.) big and small alike, to discharge their mining Waste products into our nations Streams, Creeks, Springs, Rivers, Lakes, ponds, and Any body of water that Millions, in fact the majority of Americans, depend on for their Drinking water source. Where it Was illegal to pollute our drinking water and our recreational bodies of water before, it will Now become legal, and the norm again. It will not take long at all for our waterways and tap water sources to revert back to their polluted status as prior to 1970 when the EPA was formed with the purpoe of cleaning up, and effectively so, those very same waters. The GOP 'intellectuals' in 'The House' also approved another resolution on Wednesday that eliminates a rule that required oil and gas companies from disclosing payments to foreign governments for gaining access to their energy resources. This eliminates the 'transparancy rule which now gives these companies a free pass to hide from the public, as well as the government, any, and all covert deals they may make with even our enemies for their own profit. This should come as no surprise because Now they will simply follow in the footsteps of our new President who has set the ' ethics bar' so low that even a piss ant can hop over it. What 'example' are we now setting for the rest of the world?? What has happened to our 'checks and balances' system that used to keep our Presidents and Administration s toes to the fire?
To those who voted this current administration into office, is This Really what you as fellow Americans Wanted our President to Do? Do you drink Different water, breath Different Air, swim in Different Water than the rest of us?? Do you Really believe that by going this route, ''America will be "Great Again"?' We were Already a Great Nation prior to Trump. We need not try to destroy it just so we can "make it great Again". Do you Really want Polluted water again? Since when should our clean water become a Political football to be kicked around as if it's a game decided by the 'winning team'? We All, Republicans, and Democrats, and all Parties in between, live on this shrinking little planet where our Natural Resources are shrinking in proportions to our unbridled growth. The GOP is using the claim, 'so small business can grow', as justification for axing the Clean Streams act. However, neither Small Business, nor Big Business should be allowed to destroy our Environment in order to satisfy their growth. Their 'right' to grow should by law be tempered by the publics right to a clean, and viable Environment. This scorched policy that President Trump is so proudly, and mindlessly following in his hellbent attempt to obliterate all things that remind him of the former administration does not bode well for America's environment nor its people. If This is what his voters actually voted for, and Now actually Want for America, then there's Nothing that can save us from ourselves. A careless fool, and his shrinking environment, are soon parted. If America allows this to happen, then we truely deserve what the 'Trum-Pets' gave us. Wake Up America! :/

GOP House Votes to Reject Obama Administration Stream Protection Rule

WASHINGTON (CNN) — The Republican-led Congress took its first steps Wednesday to roll back environmental, financial disclosure and energy regulations put in in place by the Obama administration.
The House passed a resolution, 228-194, that would repeal the “Stream Protection Rule,” a measure issued recently that barred mining companies from putting any of their waste in local waterways.
The Senate is expected to approve the resolution as early as Thursday and send it to the President’s desk.
The House also approved another resolution on Wednesday that eliminates a rule that required oil and gas companies from disclosing payments to foreign governments for gaining access to their energy resources.
Republicans are using the Congressional Review Act to target regulations enacted in the final 60 days of the Obama administration. Since its creation, there has only been one instance when Congress was able to overturn a regulation. In 2001, Republicans rolled back a workplace rule requiring employers to take steps to avoid ergonomic injuries.

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