Tuesday, February 28, 2017

'Nothing To See Here, Move Along Folks, Move Along'

'Nothing To See Here, Move Along Folks, Move Along'
Well that's 'it' folks. The Republicans have 'searched' and searched, but could not find, according to Mr. Nunes, 'Any' wrong doing ' as far as he Knows' by Any of Trumps minions. Nope, they 'did not' call the ruskies, and the ruskies did 'not' call Them. Nope. Nada. 'Nune'. No need for any further investigation or even Thinking about this little "Fake News' story slung out there by that disgustin...g "Opposition Party" media. Call off the search boys, call in the Boy Scouts, tell'em if was just one big mistake. “We still have not seen any evidence of anyone from the Trump campaign or any other campaign, for that matter, that's communicated with the Russian government,” “As of right now, I don't have any evidence of any phone calls,” Nunes said. “That doesn't mean they don't exist, but I don't have that. And what I've been told by many folks is that there's nothing there.” "...I've been told by many folks..." who of course will remain Un-named. "Nunes defended his decision, saying he spoke to a journalist in an effort to be more transparent with the news media". "...an effort to be more transparent...", just like the Trump Administration has been all along with the American public. Cudos Mr. Nunes! A big Shout-out for "transparency"! An even Bigger Shout-out for Mr. Nunes as he proliferates the "Alternative Facts" policy impliminted by the White House. “At this point, what are we going to appoint a special prosecutor to do exactly — to chase stories of American citizens that end up in newspaper articles?” Nunes said. “If at some point we have serious crimes that have been committed, then we would consider that.” "...then we would consider that.” Said the 'Fox' in charge of the 'henhouse'. Ok, well, that's about the lot of it I reckon, looks like the Republicans have it 'under control', nothing else to be done here, it's a wrap, call it a day reporter boys, just run along and do a weather report, or something you're better at than reporting "Fake News" conspiracy stuff, none of That in the White House, Nope, we, Especially the President, 'don't' believe in that sort of nonesense. Oh, don't forget to pick up your phones, recorders, cameras, and notepads at the front desk as you leave. Run along now, nothing to see here.

House Intelligence chairman denies evidence of Trump team’s ties to Russia

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