Monday, February 6, 2017

'It's Only A 'Lie', If I Say It's A Lie'

'It's Only A 'Lie', If I Say It's A Lie'

'Lies! Lies! Not 'true'! Un-True! Bogus! 'Negative'! Un-real! Not 'real'! The opposite of 'true'! "Alternative Facts"! Made up! False! "Opposition Media"! Oh, did I mention that, "Negaive Polls Are Fake New"? All I can 'say' is, thank God for 'tweeter' or I'd never get my clear, lucid 'thoughts' out to my adoring 'Trum-Pets'. I just Love my nocturnal tweet whacking sessions there in the comfy of my Presidential suite in my very own... White House, with my FWB Stevie, and my FWB Kelly girl at my side directing my trembling, yet nimble fingers over my tweeter board, whacking, whacking, ever whacking, into the wee hours of the morn. What would I Do without their 'expert' advice in worldly affairs, their 'insight' into what the American public Really 'wants', their clever, and yes, perhaps 'nefarious' self agendas, but which they assure me, aliegn with my Own. Thanks 'guys'! How about a big Shout-Out to my 'brilliant' thinkers! Love'em! Great 'guys'. You Too Kelly.
By the way folks, especially my loveable, adoring, in denial, and tolerant 'Trum-Pets', it has been rumored by 'Fake News' mongers that my BFF-FWB Stevie, is the 'actual' President of America, and that He calls all the shots around here, and that I, myself, merely 'sign off' on his proclamations. Well, let me set the record 'straight' about That silly notion. "I call my own shots, largely based on an accumulation of data, and everyone knows it. Some FAKE NEWS media, in order to marginalize, lies!" Stevie 'knows' a lot more than I do about politics, world affairs, how to deal with disgusting world leaders, how to foment hatred, how to piss off people who used to be our friends, how to build a socialist, isolationist 'wall' around America, but he 'never' shares his White Nationalist views with me, and I hardly 'ever' take his sage advice about practically 'anything', hardly, seldom, much at all. So There! That's my 'official' Tweet about That bogus notion, brought straight to you from my Official "Alternative Facts" factory. Geez, what do I have to Do around here to get the 'truth' out? Oh, tweet, tweet, tweet!'

Politics| First 100 Days Briefing

Donald Trump Says ‘Negative Polls Are Fake News’

Opposition to President Trump’s travel restrictions on certain countries was mounting on Monday, but Mr. Trump remained defiant and unbowed.
■ Mr. Trump turned to Twitter early Monday and began challenging polls that showed his travel order was not popular.
■ A bipartisan group of former National Security Council officials also filed court documents opposing the ban.
■ The president will receive a military briefing in Tampa, Fla., before returning to Washington on Monday.

The president defends himself on Twitter

Mr. Trump appears not to like the news he’s reading Monday morning.
In one Twitter post, the president rejected reports of polls showing that a majority of Americans oppose his travel order. In another, he appeared to lash out at suggestions that Stephen K. Bannon, his chief strategist, holds the real power in the West Wing.
A CNN poll released over the weekend said that 55 percent of Americans viewed Mr. Trump’s travel order as an attempt to keep Muslims out of the country.
The president also seemed angry about the Mr. Bannon-in-charge story line, which was featured in a Time magazine article and in a “Saturday Night Live” skit showing Mr. Bannon as the Grim Reaper directing Mr. Trump’s activities in the White House.
On Twitter, Mr. Trump called the reports “fake news” that sought to marginalize him.
It’s official: Silicon Valley really, really despises Mr. Trump’s immigration order.
Overnight, 97 companies — most of them technology firms, including Apple, Facebook, Google and Microsoft — filed a legal brief arguing that the ban is unconstitutional and harms the interests of American businesses.
The brief, filed with the United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit, is blunt and direct. The ban, it says, “hinders the ability of American companies to attract great talent; increases costs imposed on business; makes it more difficult for American firms to compete in the international marketplace; and gives global enterprises a new, significant incentive to build operations — and hire new employees — outside the United States.”
It is a remarkable statement of unity from the country’s technology companies, many of which rely heavily on foreign workers. And it is a shot across the bow for Mr. Trump, foreshadowing a rocky relationship with Silicon Valley leaders over the next four years.

National Security officials also oppose the ban

The companies were not the only ones joining in opposition to the immigration order. Susan E. Rice, former President Barack Obama’s national security adviser, was among the leaders of a petition signed by a bipartisan group of former National Security Council officials.
Mr. Trump begins his week with a quick stop at MacDill Air Force Base in Tampa for his first photo opportunity as commander in chief.
On his way back to Washington after a long weekend at Mar-a-Lago, his Florida estate, Mr. Trump will receive briefings from commanders at the United States Central Command and the United States Special Operations Command, both located on the base. He will also have lunch with troops there, give a speech and meet with Gov. Rick Scott of Florida.
The visit will give Mr. Trump a less grim military moment than last week, when he traveled to Dover Air Force Base in Delaware to honor the remains of William “Ryan” Owens, a team leader in the Navy SEALs who was killed in an operation in Yemen.
The president plans to return to Washington in the early afternoon, amid reports of chaos inside his White House.

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