Sunday, February 19, 2017

'The Sky Is Falling, The Sky Is Falling!'

'The Sky Is Falling, The Sky Is Falling!'

'...and it was just terrible, just terrible, horrible! Disgusting! Too late to help them. Looks like Finnland is next. And you know, it wouldn't have been so bad had they not destroyed that Nutella factory. Have they no sense of deciency? Now you 'see' why I must ban these terrorist muslims from even Thinking about America. First it's the Nutella factory, then it's gonna be that place that makes those 'kisses', then they'll destroy... that place that makes those yummy 'life savers', what's it gonna be Next folks!? My Golf Courses? Sweat Factories that make Ivanka's 'brand'? My people told me that they 'heard' from someone who was 'told' by a relative who 'heard' it from a friend, that ISIS has alrady taken over Hong Kong, and Australia. Dressed up like "Opposition Party" media holding little babies with AK-47's in their diapers! They're coming folks! At our door! Can't let'em in! I see them everywhere I go! And if I Say it loud, and long enough, even You will believe me. Nobody's safe. Gonna activate the National Guard and Special forces to round up everyone with a 'foriegn' sounding name. Then, I'll 'take care' of those pesky, relevent question asking, lying media types. Quick everyone run to your 'bug-out' shelters, the 'Sky Is Falling', the sky is falling.'

ET|Updated17 hours ago

Donald Trump Appears To Make Up Sweden Terror Attack

It didn’t happen.


President Donald Trump falsely suggested at a Florida rally Saturday that Sweden had suffered a terror attack the previous night.
After announcing that the White House planned to renew its efforts to restrict immigration, Trump cited several European countries and cities that he said showed the dangers of admitting immigrants, particularly refugees.
“You look at what’s happening in Germany, you look at what’s happening last night in Sweden,” Trump told a large crowd of supporters in a hangar at the Orlando-Melbourne International Airport. “Sweden. Who would believe this? Sweden,” he added. “They took in large numbers. They’re having problems like they never thought possible.”
Trump’s subsequent remarks made clear he was referring to European locales that had endured terrorist attacks in the past two years.
“You look at what’s happening in Brussels. You look at what’s happening all over the world,” he said. “Take a look at Nice. Take a look at Paris.”
Observers on Twitter pointed out that no such attack took place on Friday night.
Others concluded that Trump had been referring to a segment on the Fox News show “Tucker Carlson Tonight,” which explored an alleged rise in crime following Sweden’s admission of a large number of refugees from Africa and the Middle East.
Sweden, which has a population of around 9.5 million, has let in nearly 200,000 refugees in response to the wave of asylum seekers arriving in Europe that peaked during the summer of 2015. The generous policy, which has proved controversial, means the Scandinavian country has taken in more refugees per capita than any other European nation.
The people Sweden has allowed to enter come mainly from Syria, Afghanistan and Iraq, countries undergoing devastating conflicts.
Kevin Lamarque / Reuters
At a rally in Melbourne, Florida, on Feb. 18, President Donald Trump referred to a terror attack in Sweden that occurred recently. No such event has happened.

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