Thursday, February 9, 2017

'Checks and Balences'

Pre Trump, there was a 'checks and balances' method that kept politicians toes to the fire preventing gross stupidity. Unfortunately, with both 'houses' controlled by Obama hating Republicans who no matter the possible disastrous consequences, are hell bent on being champions of Trumps scorched earth policy. Hopefully cooler heads will temper idioticy, but right now it seems to be running rampant.... So, we must not roll over and 'play dead' as they would wish. If we say nothing, and do nothing, then they will have the last word, and we in turn be voiceless. Trump hates the word 'No', no one has ever told him No in his whole life. Now, is the time for him to learn the full meaning of that word. He may be our President but he is Not our King, and we are Not his powerless serfs.

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