Thursday, March 31, 2016

They're Picking On Rabbits

' Hi, I'm 'Bugs The Bunny' and I think I speak for All my furry, flat footed bobtailed friends out there when I say WTH is This all about!? Am I Dreaming? Is This Real!? How in the H E double L did We get on this 'hit' list?? For cryin' out loud already, we're just plain ol' simple Rabbits folks! Rabbits! We've been hopping around Forever! It's Not like all of a sudden we're the New ISIS or somethin'! When's the last time you heard about someone being whacked by a rog...ue Rabbit? We just don't Do that sort of thing. I mean, come on folks, who do you turn to when Easter comes around? Who do you look for to be hopping down the bunny trail? Are you going to replace us with a Turtle?? Good Luck with That! Who really had a 'problem' with 'do'in it like Rabbits'? Hey, that's what we Do! Our job is to 'make' other Rabbits, and hop down the bunny trail, and at Easter lay little chocolate 'eggs' for kids to get fat on. Who Else is gonna do all that? Who? Well, Who? Yeah, that's Right, nobody's gonna do it like we do it. But look what some hair brained nut has gone and done! Well, just Look already! It's not bad enough that we can't even cross the road without becoming part of the pavement, or munch a few garden carrots without getting 'Lead' poisoning, Now we gotta start taking Birth Control! Why Us!?? Well, let me assure you, I'm not gonna wear one of those things! How are we supposed to even put it On, ah, we don't even have Fingers! Are we gonna have to hire a Human to help with That?? I bet they didn't Think of That one! Why couldn't they pick on Spiders, or Snakes, or barnyard Dogs, or those pesky Cats? I can even think of a few select Humans. But Noooo, they just Had to pick the cutest critters out there! Ha! Now who's gonna break the bad news to all those kids come Easter when they don't see our cute little selves bopping around out there. Hey kids, Turtles can't Hop! No more Rabbit shaped candy, kids! That's right! Pretty soon we'll be in the same 'extinct drawer' as the Dodo bird. I guess I better get busy do'in what I do best before they call my number. I'm still not gonna wear one of those silly lookin' things..nope, not gonna do it. Stupid humans anyway!'  :/

Home / Health News

Single injection male contraceptive effective in rabbits

Vasalgel kept sperm out of the animals' semen for 12 months, according to researchers in the trial.
By Stephen Feller | March 30, 2016 at 9:59 AM

Vasalgel's success in rabbits suggests an effective, less permanent alternative to vasectomy for male contraception could be around the corner. Photo by Studio KIWI/Shutterstock
WASHINGTON, March 30 (UPI) -- Researchers found an injectible gel was an effective contraceptive, preventing the presence of sperm in rabbits' semen in a study.
The gel, called Vasalgel, completely stopped the flow of sperm after being injected into rabbits, and the natural flow of sperm returned when the gel was removed, researchers report in a new study.
Vasalgel would be the first contraceptive option for men that is not permanent, the researches say, as vasectomy is effective, but also generally considered permanent.
The gel, consisting of a styrene-alt-maleic acid dissolved in dimethyl sulfoxide, is injected into the vas deferens, where it becomes a hydrogel that allows water-soluble molecules to pass through but not sperm. Because it is soft, it can flex and stay in place, keeping sperm from squeezing through.
"Results from our study in rabbits were even better than expected," Dr. Donald Waller, a professor of pharmacology and toxicology at the University of Illinois, said in a press release. "Vasalgel produces a very rapid contraceptive effect which lasted throughout the study due to its unique hydrogel properties. These features are important considerations for a contraceptive product to be used in humans."
For the study, published in the journal Basic and Clinical Andrology, 12 rabbits were treated with two formulations of Vasalgel, one being a 100 percent SMA acid and the other an 80 percent SMA acid blended with 20 percent SMA anhydride.
In 11 of the 12 rabbits, sperm was not detected in semen at all once they'd received an injection. One of the rabbits showed the presence of a small number of sperm in early samples but eventually became azoospermic as well.
Researchers are currently planning a human clinical trial for late 2016.

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