Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Don't Look Now, But....

Awww Man! I knew it, I just Knew it! Those rascals have been spewing 'poison' down on us for...well, a long time at Least! Shoot, I Used to 'believe' that when an airplane cruises at around 26,000 feet altitude, where the air is about -35 to -40 degrees F. the resulting hot gases emitted by the engines, Propeller or Jet propusion, condensate upon hitting the cold air thus forming 'Contrails' behind the craft. I stupidly based my 'belief' on simple common knowledge of 'scientific' evidence. I mean hey, if you look at photo's of the first passenger liners which were prop driven, way back When, you would see those 'Condensation contrails' as the plave cruised along. During WW2 the skies over Europe were criss-crossed by contrails left behind by our B-17's, B-29's and fighter planes when above 20,000 feet altitude. And here all this time I thought, no, not 'thought', I Knew, that these were just innocent, simple, non-threatening, 'condensation' streams caused by super hot engine exhaust hitting super cold air! But Now, Now, the real 'truth' come out! We were being poisoned even back Then. That 'war' was just an excuse so that 'they' could drop chemicals on us to control our brains. Boy, just how stupid could I have Been! Duh! Now I know how a 'voter' for Donald Trump feels! How could this super secret scheme, perpetrated by our very Own Government, have gone on for So long without our being aware of it. Totally ignorant of the Whole thing! How, I ask, How? Just goes to prove that those 'mind chems' were doing their job! And the Magnitude of it all!! Holy Cows! Now it seems that our Government had specially built and outfitted airplanes which they used to bombard us with mind altering chemicals since..well, forever! This explains the 60' and 70's! We wern't really 'stoned' all the time, it was all those chemicals sloshing down on us from the sky! We weren't 'Flower Children' at All, we were 'Chemical Children'! Doggone it all! How did we Miss that one? And how in the World did all those, and it had to be Thousands, and Thousands, people who were involved in this scheme keep it such a top secret, Secret all this time? I mean, look, our Government is Not known for it's ability to Keep a 'Secret' any longer than it takes a Congressman to slip under the sheets with a DC hooker! But at long last, the 'truth' comes out.
Thank you Greg Prescott for breaking the 'silence' on This one! And, Thank Goodness for the brave soul that sent you a message on FB, a social forum, that as we All 'know', is the Very Place to go to when one needs to 'know' the 'truth' about Anything there is to know! And thank even More goodness for the actual bonified photo's of an actual 'ChemPlane', as I call'em, showing those cannisters of evil mind altering chemicals ready to be dropped onto our unsuspecting silly heads. And just Look at that smug Government pilot standing there with that devil may care look on his face. How could he sleep at night knowing that he has altered millions of brains! Disgusting! I will Never look at a 'contrail' the same way, ever, never, again, ever, starting right Now, the Morning anyhow, when I can actually See the sky. Science, as we can Now plainly see, has failed us once again! Now we have to wonder, is it Really That Cold up there where airplanes fly? Are airplane engines really that Hot? Does a hot exhaust Really condensate when it hits cold air? Is planet Earth really Round? Is 'realativity' Really 'relative'? Why Don't we 'know' what we don't 'know'? Is there Any 'truth' to 'truth', or is it all just one big fat fib? Everything we thought we 'knew' has been turned on its head with This revelation! Our school science teacher was a fraud working for the government! He was in cahoots with the Feds who were making zombies out of us! Ratfink! They've even made a bunch of Zombie Documentaries about people affected by all this. But Now, now my head, as I'm sure others are as well, is as clear as a blue sky just before a flight of 'Chemplanes'. And now, I must put on a vinyl 'Mama And The Pappas', set up my plastic lawn chair under an un-obstructed sky, and breath in my full quota of Government issued mind altering 'chemicals'. Thanks, Greg, the world looks like a different place, you..'learned' guy you. ;) ;)



EXPOSED! Photos from INSIDE Chemtrail Planes Like You’ve NEVER Seen Before!

Gregg Prescott, an author and editor at got an intriguing private message from someone on Facebook.
This is the message:
“Hi Gregg, I follow your in5d website everyday and I’m thankful there are like minded people like yourself who are aware of global things that I have know since I was a little girl. I came across some photos from a trusted source of the inside of planes that are used for chemtrails and I figured if I passed them on to you, you can help spread more awareness with it on your website. Let me know if this is ok with you. Thanks.”
Gregg saw the images and he immediately wanted to know who the source was and if they wanted to elaborate on these photos. He was told:“Unfortunately my source does not want to be known and would rather remain anonymous…I’m sure they have some pretty good reasons and I must respect their wishes. As long as the information gets out there I think that’s the most important thing I’ll send you more photos later on in the day when I have a chance thank you.”

These are the SHOCKING photos Gregg received:

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EXPOSED Photos From INSIDE Chemtrail Planes
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